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“Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.”    — Mimi Novic


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The red of the Hogwarts Express was a peculiar one, was the first thing that Alexandra thought when she saw if for the first time on September 1st 1972

It was not red of the blood, but it wasn't red of the rose either. Not red of Gryffindor and not red of the moon. Not red of the cheery or red of the tongue.

"James make sure to stay out of troubles way this year" Requested Euphemia Potter as she patted down her older brother like all the other mum's on the station.

"Mum, what's the fun in that" Retaliated her brother with a laugh but shut down when he was met with his mothers glare.

"Atleast for few months" Tried her mother again, but she only received a smirk in return from her mischievous son.

The red wasn't even that of a ladybug or that of an ant, Alexandra thought.

She mindlessly twirled her fingers together as she tried to understand the red, her thumb stopped just above the small ruby stone on her gold ring and she thought for a moment 'Was that it?'

But when her eyes trailed down and observed the stone she knew for a fact that it wasn't the red of the train, so she went again through her mind in search of a perfect red.

"Penny for your thoughts darling?" Asked her father as he stood beside his daughter watching his wife and son.

"What do you suppose the red of the Hogwarts Express is Dad?"

Any other parent would be taken back by this unusual question but not the Potter couple, strange questions and even stranger conclusions was a usual part of their life since the addition of Alexandra into their lives.

"Hmm, do think it may be that of pomegranates?" The girl pondered the answer in her head but the then shook it in denial.

"What about red of rust, or red of peppers?" The girl again shook her head in frustration.

Noticing her trouble, Flemont decided to give an answer that he knew she would be happy with. "How about we create a new red?" He suggested, not even needing to look at her he knew that she was definitely satisfied with the idea.

"Red of the Hogwarts Express" She whispered her words tinted with awe and wonder.

"Red of the Hogwarts Express" Her father repeated and when looked down he was met with the face of his smiling daughter.

"Are you excited for Hogwarts?" He asked even though he knew that she was, it was a staple every parent had to ask; like a final reassurance that their kids would be happy.

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