Track 2.10 | my fears, my hopes and dreams

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Thank you so much for over 6K reads on this story! You guys are my literal world and I love you all so much <3

Also, this story got featured by YAMystery (our third feature for this story!) so here's one of my most favourite scenes to celebrate! This chapter ended up being long enough so I've split them into parts, so you know the next few chapters are going to be packed with drama and action. Enjoy :P

P.S. I'm 5 followers away from 1989 followers on Wattpad! Any volunteers? *_*

🦋 + 🐍

(Priyankha's Version)

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(Priyankha's Version)

Oliver kept waiting for his waves to reach her shore, for he now knew that's how their relationship worked. No matter how far the waves would go, they would sooner or later end up coming back to the shore. Just like he always came back to this very coffee shop.

The place where it all began. The place where the storyline probably ends. And though their story looked a lot like a tragedy now, he knew all he needed was on the other side of the door.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed through with all his courage when a déjà vu stopped him right in his tracks. Holding the bells above — on impulse — so they couldn't inform about his arrival, Oliver quietly sneaked into the café. He prayed with the last ounce of faith left in him for the sound to be just his ears playing tricks on him.

It couldn't be her. It shouldn't.

As he kept reaching closer to the coffee area, the muffled cries kept growing, slowly fading into ragged breaths and sniffs. Someone was definitely crying and though he wanted to believe every other possibility, he knew the truth was harsh. A wrenched sob echoed through the empty shop and he knew in an instant that it belonged to her. He knew these cries all too well now, having heard them from outside the café that one night and in his nightmares every other.

Oliver kept looking around, his moments still silent and unnoticeable but she was nowhere to be found. Where was she and why was she crying? Sighing in defeat and helplessness, he placed the laptop bag on his usual deck and that's when he found her — in a state he never could have imagined at his worst.

She was on the floor, hiding under the billing counter with her face buried into her knees, curled up into a ball. Though her face was fully hidden, Oliver observed the way her hand covered her mouth, probably so no one could accidentally hear her sobbing in an empty café in the middle of the night. But who was she hiding from and most importantly — why?

She didn't seem to sense Oliver's presence and before he could dare to cross the distance between them, his gaze fell on the dupatta thrown away, lying next to her. The very next moment, he could practically feel the shiver run down her body as she struggled to exhale without crying out loud. It took him a while to connect the dots. This wasn't a panic attack unlike the one she had that night. This was something else entirely.

Call It What You Want (to be revamped & restarted soon)Where stories live. Discover now