People In December (12 Days Special)

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People In December

Day 1

The birds always make a fuss.
The bed is always a mess.
These eyes aren't always at rest.

The decoration from the windows, trees, and cup teas.

The candy, the food, the panicking, and the shoppers.
It's really December.

The cold breeze always makes you cold
While the people who look old are excited about their stories to be told.


12 Days Special is dedicated to our feelings this time around and the end of the year, Christmas and New year. All people have different endings of the year and also this time of the year. This time of the year is special to almost all of us because we get to spend time with each other. All of our feelings may not be special or wonderful but there are beautiful endings and good starts. It has been a pleasure to create these works of poems, words, and proses for me and for you but it won't end here because I promise that the next 12 Days Special will improve! Let's strive this coming year and the years ahead of us.

Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Nights!


Sari-saring SalitaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon