🍙Bye Japan🍙

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Tomorrow morning, Katsuki walk to the mall. He needs to see baby things and make targets. He knows he didn't want that baby, but since life goes on, he needs to move on. "What kind of gender are you? Mama wants to know." Katsuki also starts to call himself mama to his baby. The baby's kick makes Katsuki smile. Kirishima right. At least he is not alone. "I suddenly want to eat a steak. Is that you?" The baby kicked again. He called Kirishima. 

"You busy?"
"Maybe? Since Kei resign and you in emergency leave, you cannot expect me to shake my legs. What's up?"
"The baby wants to eat steak."
"Oh sure. Where are you? We will meet during the break."
"Usual mall."
"Okay. I will give you a call when I arrive okay?

Katsuki hangs the phone. Mina was still outstation and that didn't mean Kirishima cheat on her. Katsuki looks at the baby things. "Oh look at these baby clothes... It's so small and fucking cute!" He then goes to the trousers. "Ah, this one must be suited to you!" A promoter lady approaches him. "Pregnant omega! It's been a long time since we have customer like you. Usually, they will go to that section since their Alpha can't come here." That lady is so nice yet makes Katsuki want to slap her. 

"It's okay I don't need you. I came here just to look around." Katsuki rejects her and walks away. He needs to save money. He wants to give birth at a fancy hospital. Yeah, he better work bitch. After almost all the clothes he looks at, he goes to the toy section. "Hye, welcome!" Another promoter. Katsuki rolls his eyes. "You searching for Robogram? It's already sold out but you can make a pre-order." 

'no way I'm gonna buy that shit.' 

"It's okay. Where can I find the toy that didn't produce by IMK company?" That promoter rubs his back head that didn't itch. "We all have toys from IMK company. I'm not sure if you go to another section." Fuck, IMK company. That fucker already monopolies all the toys in this world! He walk away and left that promoter alone. "Who needs a toy? Mama will make you a homemade toy. Do you like bunnies?" That baby kick. "Good." 

As he walk his eyes caught the television display. They show villains. 


Katsuki just sigh. "That villain literally insane. How can he manage to kill people 3 times a week? Does he has no job or what?"Katsuki starts to mumble as he starts to curse. His watch beep meaning Kirishima is already on break. Not long after that, he got a call. They promised to meet at a certain restaurant. 

"We want to move out." Katsuki blurt out while waiting for the food. "Who?" "Me and this baby." Kirishima shock. 

"Where?! Is it far away?"
"Not so far,"
"Only in Singapore."

Kirishima's heart almost drop. "I need money okay? If I work there, I will get a big money in return." Kirishima rubs his heart and drinks a full glass of water. "One question. Why?" "I already said just now!" Katsuki hit Kirishima's head with the menu book. "No no. I know you Katsuki. It's impossible for you to move out of the country only because of money. Tell me the truth." Katsuki bit his lip and finally decide to tell the truth. 

"I don't want to see Izuku." He looks down. "Are you seeing him right now?" Katsuki shook his head. "That's not what I mean. You know that shit already has his name in Japan. The founder of IMK company. Everywhere I go, I will see his toys or his advertisement. It exhausted. Really. It feels like that shit laughing at me." Kirishima can't deny the fact that Izuku is really famous. He also didn't expect that by making toys, you will be a billionaire. "Okay fine. But until when?" Katsuki sighed as he can't answer that. "You need to come back as soon as your baby is half a month. I want that baby to know me as his first uncle!" Kirishima beg which makes Katsuki realize that Kirishima desperately wants to meet that unborn baby. "Okay, okay fine... But it also makes you delay your wedding since I can't be your best man with this belly." Kirishima laugh. "It is okay. Anything for you Katsuki. You the boss here." "Hell yeah, I am."

That night, they survey Singapore. "You seriously want to leave in that apartment?! It looks shabby and anytime, it will be blown." Kirishima points out all the holes that he can see. "I don't care. I need to find a cheap apartment so that I can save money. I hope the baby will agree." Katsuki rubs his belly. He looks so happy when he can see the bump now. "What will you name the baby?" Kirishima asks as he fixes his sitting position. 

"Yuko Bakugo." 

"That's cute..." Katsuki shakes his head as he realizes Kirishima drag the conversation off-topic. "I still want this. Next the ticket flight." Katsuki's hand dances on the keyboard. "You do realize that immigrant people for jobs is hard right?" Katsuki nod. He is now ready to take any risk. "When will Pinky be back?" "Tomorrow. I will sleep at her house since it's been so long since we met. Maybe 2 nights. Are you okay with that?" "Okay." What he said is different in his mind. He guesses that Kirishima not being around will give him the practice to survive in other countries. 

"You can call me anytime. Put me on your emergency call." "Shit. You think I didn't have any basic survival." Katsuki smiled when he found an economy flight ticket. The date is next week. The savings that he saves is enough for him. "I wanna do overtime a week." He said while starting to shut down his computer. "I will join you." "Nah it's okay. Save your time with your fiance. Appreciate her." Katsuki closes his eyes as he can see Izuku and Kei's vision in his mind. Both the love of his life is now gone. He messages Kei before he goes to bed and deletes that number.

'Kei, I know you hate me right now but I fucking sorry for whatever I did to you. I swear that I truly love you and never once in mind want to take advantage of your kindness. You can delete my number. I will move soon. Far from you, and far from Japan.'

AN: Since I leave this story for a few days, I may update 2 chapters today. Thanks for your waiting. (Don't worry, this story has an ending, I promise that!) Do leave me your comment, it really helps me feel motivated. Thank you!

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