👣One step, then another👣

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*knock* *knock*

Izuku's sleep disturbs by that knocking sound. He opens the door and sees a man. Looks like the landlord. "I want to meet Katsuki Bakugo. Who are you? This apartment is for omega only!" That landlord wants to punch him but Izuku quickly dorks making that swings unstable and the landlord fell. 

"I'm his alpha. Why do you want to meet him?" 

Izuku yawned as he didn't see that man on the floor. "He needs to pay or the apartment will get rent by someone else." That man tries to stand up. "Excuse me, but why do you sound annoying to him?" "He delays the money for 2 months! I must make sure he pays." "Of course! Wait here." Izuku enters back the house and grabs his wallet. "How much?" "230 dollars." Izuku laugh. 

He starts to throw the money. 

"100, 200, 300. Is it enough?" Izuku raised his eyebrow. "How dare you throw that money?!" "Shut up or I will end your life here." Izuku holds his gun that comes out of nowhere. That man scare. His body shaking. "No, no!" The man's voice stuttered. "Who is it?" Suddenly Katsuki appears in front of the door and Izuku quickly hides his gun. 

"Nothing baby! I just pay your rent. Are you ready to move out?" He kisses Katsuki's right hand. "Move out to where?" Katsuki blur. What happens actually? Why that landlord looks like he will cry anytime? 

"Somewhere nicer than this ugly place. I saw you packing your bag yesterday."
"Yes, but why is he on the floor?"
"Is that a problem? Didn't he belong there? Now go take your shower okay?" 

Katsuki just nods and walks in back. He really confused right now but he can ask Izuku later. "You monster!" "So?" That man runs away. After almost an hour of waiting, he takes his turn to wash. The bathroom is so small! Izuku starts to complain. His phone buzzed. Katsuki take a look and saw Todoroki's name. He answers it. 

"Hello, Izuku in the shower."
"Bakugo? If that is so, I will leave him a message. Thank you." 

The phone hangs up. Todoroki almost lost his mind when the one who answer the call is Katsuki, not Izuku. "Fuck. I almost said the hotel and registration time." He sent the message.

'Hotel Marina Bay Sands, 12 pm.'

"Todoroki called you just now," Katsuki informs him when he combs his hair. "Oh okay." "I don't want to follow you. Just drop me somewhere near the hospital." Izuku looks at Katsuki's reflection in the mirror and starts to sigh. 

"Only crazy people will do that to you."
"Why? Because I'm weak?"
"No of course not. Please, just follow me okay?" 

Izuku tries to touch Katsuki but Katsuki edges the hand. "Don't you dare to touch me without my permission," That warning sent a shiver to Izuku. "Okay fine. Are you ready?" "Yes." Izuku grabs his bag and opens the door for him.

After that, he starts the engine of his sports car. "Are you serious? I'm pregnant Izuku!" "I promise you will feel comfortable. Now let me put this in the trunk." Izuku jogs and come back. He holding Katsuki's door. "I can do it myself." "I agree to disagree with that." Katsuki rolls his eyes. They start the move while hearing Katsuki's favorite song. Izuku will always checks the reflection of Katsuki but Katsuki only focuses on his belly. 

"Love, can you take my wallet from the backseat?"

Katsuki growled but still obeyed him. He saw 5 shopping bags and inside that are the baby things that he circles on his babies' catalogs. "Izuku, this must be joking!" Katsuki half yelled. Izuku laughs and rubs his hair. "Welcome. By the way, I didn't buy the toys since you know your husband right here is the CEO of a toy company." Katsuki bite his lips. He wants to respectfully reject it but at the same time, he really wants that. All for his baby. Izuku sigh. He exactly smells Katsuki's stress pheromone and releases his calm pheromone. 

"We arrived!" Katsuki's jaw drops when he sees how beautiful that hotel is. "Holy Shit! How much money you spent on this room?!" "I don't know. I just swipe that card and it's approved." Katsuki almost forgets how rich this alpha is. He starts to worry about how should he pay back.\

 "I don't want to stay here."
"Oh come on. We already arrive!"
"It's too expensive for me."
"Baby listen!" Izuku holds his hands. "You are more expensive than all these things. You don't need to worry about the price okay? I may afford this but without you, I feel I'm the poorest person in this world." 

Izuku almost wants to cry when he sees Katsuki reject him. "Okay, I promise as soon as you give birth to this angel, we will go back to Japan. No more expensive hotel for you okay?" Katsuki finally nod. Izuku pushes Katsuki's wheelchair because no way in hell he let that angel use his legs to walk. When they arrive at their room, Izuku takes a bath again. His body didn't like the previous shower. Katsuki just waits on the bed when suddenly someone rings the bell. Katsuki opens up and sees the lunch. 

"Order for Izuku Midoriya."

The man carefully serves the food on the table. "Excuse me how much all of this?" "I'm sorry but Mr. Midoriya said it is confidential and we can't tell you the prize. By the way, how old is your little baby there?" That man gives him a warm smile. "9 months." "I see! The baby will surely turn out a beautiful person just like the mama." Katsuki blushed with that praise. 

"Honey, who is that?" Izuku walks out of the bathroom with a bathrobe. "I have done with the service, sir." That man pushes the trolly and walks out of the room. "Oh wait." That man stop. "Here's your tip. After this, when you only need to do your work, no need to have a friendly conversation with your guest. Got it?" That man nod as fast as he can and say sorry a hundred time. But Izuku just close his door without saying anything. 

"I will change my clothes, and then we will eat okay?" Izuku smiles at Katsuki and goes to changing room. That lunch is the quietest lunch Izuku ever had. He usually has a silent breakfast, not silent lunch. Katsuki's head is thinking so many things. He never thought that Izuku is this rich! "Katsuki?" That calling makes Katsuki back to reality. 

"What?" "I have only one request." Katsuki clicks his tongue as he is not pleased with that. "What?" "Can I touch that baby? I never touch it and at least let me touch that baby before they are born." Izuku's voice sounds so innocent. As he really needs that. Katsuki close his eyes and nodded as the permission was approved! "What the gender?" "Boy." "My little man, please grow healthy. Papa will wait for you." Izuku almost cry. Katsuki feels touched by that moment. "You can kiss it. I don't care." Izuku almost wants to scream and he starts kissing Katsuki's belly gently.

AN: Let me know what you think! 

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