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Hi everyone! I only have a few people I want to thank the most before starting.

First of all, to my incredible editor Starlight! One of the few people who has read everything I have ever written from the beginning. The one who has supported and encouraged me from the start when I came up with the idea. Nothing would have been possible without you, I literally owe you my life! Thank you so much.

I also want to express my gratitude fully to my one and only queen of edits, Kalie! Thank you for designing this amazing cover! You're just the best of the bests, your highness. *bows*. Thank you, it means a lot.

Thanks to ShimmeringPurples, the best poet in the entire multiverse! You're so talented and I hope that your wonderful poems will shine in this book! That they will shimmer like the diamond you are!

Thank you, your majesties. I owe you a lot, thank you so much for helping me! *bows*

And thanks to YOU for actually reading this book. One read makes a huge difference to me, you have no idea. I really hope you'll like it!   

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