They're Watching

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Wednesday POV:

I woke up the next morning. Honestly still confused as to who was watching me. I know it wasn't Enid. I looked to my right and she was still sleeping peacefully. It must have been some asshole pranking her. 

I walked over to Enid to ask her about it to see if shit like this happened often.

"Enid?" I asked as she woke up. "Can I ask you a question?"

She rubbed her eyes and got up slowly before she spoke, "Yeah go right ahead," she said in a tired tone that made me smile ever so slightly.

"Do people ever watch you through windows?" I asked in my normal monotone voice.

"No...?" she said confused. Her eyes narrowed a bit. "Was someone watching you last night?" She asked in a tone that gave me happy chills.

"I think so. They were looking at me through the window. They weren't even subtle about it. What an asshole," I exclaimed. 

Enid slowly got up from her bed. "Do you know who it was??" she asked with a dark look on her face.

"No. Its pointless to even think about it though. Just a stupid shithead trying to joke around," I stated.

"I have to get ready," she said as she got out of bed and walked away from me.

Enid was definitely acting weird. I didn't know why, but i was going to find out.

Enid POV:

Someone was watching Wednesday last night. I swear to god when I find out who it was I will not hesitate to rip their fucking throat out.

I got ready for another day in school. I was going to find out who was watching Wednesday last night.

I walked up to Xavier. I wanted to ask him first. 

"Hey Xavier," I said in a cold voice. I knew it didn't fit how I usually spoke, but I was still pissed about the stalker. "What'd you do last night?"

"Why the hell do you need to know?" he asked me.

"Just wondering, you know?" I said.

He hesitated for a second. He spoke after a few seconds, "I was laying in my bed when Rowan used his telekinesis on me and launched me out the fucking window. I actually ended up falling on your guy's deck.... Say... Do you know if Wednesday is single or not?" he asked cautiously.

I wanted to kill him right then and there. I was fuming. He was dead. I was going to kill him.

I spoke after a few. I didn't want him getting suspicious.  "Yes, yes she is single," I said with clenched teeth. I wanted to puncture his chest with one of my claws. I wanted him to fucking bleed out until he was dry of any liquid left.

"Thanks Enid, you're a good friend," he said happily. He began to walk away.

"You won't think that later you won't..." I mumbled under my breath.

I was going to kill him. No matter what I lose, I'm going to kill him.

Wednesday POV:

I was trying to find motivation to actually stand up and go to my first class. I usually like torture, as it makes me feel all dark and cold on the inside. But this shit makes me want to gouge my eyes out with Bianca's ugly ass necklace that keeps her siren song inside.

I finally got out of my bed. I put on my uniform, it was made black specifically made for me since I was deathly allergic to color. I could never bear wearing any of the shit Enid wears. 

I walked to my first class where I had to sit next to that kid Xavier. It was a plant class or something like that. Whatever it was called really didn't give a fuck.

"Every Rose Has Its Thorns" Wenclair, Yandere EnidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin