1- The Glitch

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 You Died.

Do You Want To Continue?

[ Yes ] [ No ]

You threw you controller, the god damn game was just to hard! You cursed and threw a couple of things that were lying around.

"How do I beat the final boss? It's impossible!" You sighed, falling deeper into your chair.

"Piece of rage inducing crap." Wiping sweat off your forehead, you walked over to your fridge and grabbed a can of soda.

"Maybe there's a walkthrough on the internet." You excitedly exclaimed, lightly jogging over to your computer. You cracked you fingers and began to search.

It's a glitch, he's literally impossible to beat.

Everywhere you looked, people said the same thing, it's a glitch. The game was free anyways so it wasn't going to be prefect, but from what you've played it was honestly one nice ass game. Others had mixed opinions, manly because of the last boss glitch. You sighed once again, sinking into your computer chair, then checked the time.


"Shoot, didn't think it was that late already." You laughed half heartedly to yourself, thinking how it would be hard to get to sleep now.

"If I never started this stupid game, I would be peacefully asleep right now!" You drank the rest of your soda, crushed it in anger and threw it into the garbage can.

"Oh boy." Your eyes now focused on the computer that was spazzing out.

"A Hacker?!" With your face turning into pure shock, you searched for the power button, but it was gone?

"Shit. Unplug it then!" You reached for the plug, that wasn't there either.

"Huh?" Sighing, your eyes made it back to the screen, and with that you found yourself wanting to touch it. Lifting your hand you simply poked the screen with your pointer finger, causing you to black out. Your mind blank from pure confusion.

+ + +

Wake up, I'm hungry.

You groaned rubbing your eyes. "Hungry?" You muttered as you opened you eyes realizing you weren't home, a large grass filed surrounded you and a weird floating girl was above you.

"Yay! You're up! Now make me food!" She demanded, mouth in a super excited smile.

"Where are we?" You question, making her complain that you aren't making her food.

"Food! Food first!" On cue your stomach grumbled.

"See you're hungry too! Now let's go!" Her eyes glowed mischievously as she snapped her fingers teleporting the both of you somewhere else.

"Quiet!" She put her a finger to her mouth, you nodded your head.

"It's the kings castle, don't let anybody find us! Now make some food." She floated to the fridge and grabbed some meat with a grin.

"Meat is my favourite!" She spun in the air hugging the meat.

"Please cook it for me!" You gave her a blank stare, and nodded your head once again.

"Okay, where's the stove?" She points behind you, you turn around and face the stove. "Oh. It's was behind me." You sigh feeling stupid.

"By the way what's your name?" You hum as you find a pan to cook the meat on and wait for an answer.

"Lancelot." A powerful male voice calls out from behind you, you jump in surprise dropping everything and freeze in place.

"What are you doing?" He huffs, walking towards you he gives you a puzzled look.

"And what are you wearing?" You look down at your casual t-shirt and sweat pants.

"Pyjamas." You respond, back towards him, you were too scared to look.

"Are you not from around here? Those are some extremely odd pyjamas." He questions voice softer this time, he reaches an arm out and touches your shoulder making you face him. He looked down at you with his pure blue eyes and long blonde hair. You feel your face turn red, as you remember that this is the prince from your game.

"I'm not from around here." You avert your eyes to the floor, the game only showed the princes character once and you weren't allowed to enter his country.

"I see, are you lost? Or are you a thief?" His eyes dark slightly as he lifts your chin up to look into your eyes.

"I'm lost." He blinks.

"That is the truth." He chuckles. "I'm glad you're not a thief, it would pain me to kill such a beautiful lady." You felt you cheeks grow hot.

"B-beautiful? Who are you talking about? Yourself?" You bluntly state before realizing what you just said, he is a man. Lancelot gave you an awfully puzzled look.

"Never mind." He scratches the back of his neck before putting out his hand for you to take.

"Come, I shall help you." You take his hand, then smile.

"Thanks Lancelot!" You hum gripping his hand tighter.

+ + +

No Lancelot.

"Lancelot you're the future king to our wonderful country, I won't allow you to go on a adventure with some girl." The king, that you had just met, glared down from his throne. Lancelot held you hand for comfort, comforting him and you both.

"I understand father, I apologize for asking." Lancelot bowed, and so did you, then the two of you left the throne room.

"I'm sorry (y/n) It seems I can't help you get home." He frowned. You told Lancelot your name and that you wanted to go home before talking to the king but you didn't say where home was. You were sure he wouldn't understand no matter how hard you tried to explain.

"It's okay. I'll figure it out somehow." You shyly smile and lean against the cold castle wall.

"You can stay here tonight since it is dark, and I'll give you some supply for traveling. It's the best I can do, wish I could've gone with you. I feel some strange connection to you." Lancelot returns your smile.

"I've never met a girl so interesting like you. All the ones in this kingdom wear over the top dresses and have crazy hair styles." He chuckles lowly, ruffling your hair.

"Your hair is so soft." You go silent, why aren't guys in the real world this nice?

"Is it really?" You giggle touching your own hair.

"Oh, it is quite soft!" You grin then touch his hair, his was much softer and way nicer.

"Huh? Your hair is softer!" You pout causing him to chuckle.

"Anyway, I'll show you to a guest room." He walks ahead of you, not saying anything else, you follow closely behind.

+ + +


Lancelot showed you a room that you could stay in then walked towards the door, before shutting it he simply wished you a goodnight with a saddened expression, it made your heart throb.

End Game | x reader (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now