3- The Odd Boy

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After traveling for the whole night you've finally made it to some other country, you knew this because there were guards.

"Excuse me miss, it's a regulation that we have to search carriages. You have no objections, do you?" You shake you head and climb off of your seat.

"Feel free to check." You lead them to the door, they open it.

"Please stay outside as I search." The guard shuts the door, you found it a little weird but shrugged it off, it's probably normal here. Yes, you did play the whole game though there was a lot more here than the game.

"Miss, are you harbouring a fugitive?" The guard opens the carriage door to let you in.

"Wait, what? Excuse me?" You breath baffled. The guard rises an eyebrow and points to a barrel.

"Where did that come from?" You quickly walk towards it, opening it, and finding a simple looking boy around your age.

"What the bloody hell..?" You back up obviously confused.

"I'm assuming by that reaction you didn't know this person was in here." You nod your head agreeing with his words, where did this boy come from?

"Shall I take him away before he awakes miss?" The guard looks you in the eyes, you pause something was telling you to say no.

"No? Ah, sorry, I forgot that my brother likes to sleep in barrels! Ahaha..." You awkwardly laugh, poorly convincing the guard.

"I see, what an odd boy." The guard mumbles as he leaves the carriage.

"You're free to cross into the country of Bridgeham now miss." The guards unblocks the entrance of the country.

"Thank you!" You quickly climb to your spot at the front of the carriage and pull the reins.


You wave to the guard hoping that, that was normal. The guard awkwardly waves back.

The city surrounded a giant castle, the streets were busy with many people selling their goods, making it hard for you to navigate through. So you decide to find a less busy place to stop, wanting to talk with the boy that was in your carriage.

It took you some time but you finally found a big back alley to stop in. Carefully and cautiously you went to the door of the carriage and opened it. The boy was now out of the barrel and looking out of the window.


You try to talk, instead you give the brown haired typical looking boy a good look, then you noticed it.

"You're not from around here are you?" You question, he turns around.

"I'm not, I've been kidnapped by a video game! I wanna go home!" He falls to his knees dramatically.

"Why me?!" You giggle at his outbreak.

"I've also been kidnapped by the same game it seems." He looks at you with wide eyes.

"R-really?" He gasps. "I'm not alone!" He gets up quickly and embraces you.

"H-hey, calm down and don't touch me..!" You glare, he frowns with a blush.

"Well, wasn't expecting that." He pouts. "Don't girls like hugs?" You give him a confused look.

"When was the last time you even talked to a girl?" You huff, pushing him off of you. "And why are you in my carriage?"

"I ran into some pirates and had to hide." He frowns.

"PIRATES?! I'm pretty sure I never went close to the ocean!"

"Oh. Right. Land pirates." He states oblivious.

"You mean bandits?" You sigh heavily.

"Bandits?" He head tilts, making you want to punch a wall.

"That's the right word, dumbass." You breath, his face turns pink.

"Y-yes, that was the word I was looking for..." He averts his eyes back to the window.

"Where are you planning on going?" He asks, back facing you- he was too embarrassed to look you in the eyes.

"Good question, where ever fate takes me I guess." You muse lightly.

"Fate?" He whisper to himself. "Would you mind if I join you on your adventure?" He turns to face you with a confident look shining in his pale orbs.

"I would enjoy the company actually, the names (y/n) by the way." You offer the boy a smile.

"Naru." He smiles back and put his hand out for you to shake, so you do.

"Nice to meet you."

"Oh yeah, we're going to need weapons if we want to go anywhere." You state, somewhat bluntly.

"Ah, that is true. There must be many places to get some.." He says slightly amused, you were one of the only girls he's ever talked too- usually he'd just stay in his room all day.

"Let's find a safer place for the carriage then find a weapons shop." Naru nods his head in agreement with your words.

"Yes, let's."

+ + +

It took you and Naru sometime to find a place to leave the carriage, luckily the two of you eventually found an old man that would take care of your horses and watch your carriage though it costed quite a bit. "150 gold gone just like that." You snap your fingers and walk ahead of Naru.

"The people we asked one the street said it was the cheapest place." Naru shrugs trying to catch up with you. You look around as you walk and finally spot a weapons shop.

"There~!" You point so Naru can see it before running ahead.

"Hurry you slowpoke!"

You try to run faster but end up tripping and landing into your bottom.


Naru laughs at your grumpy pained expression. "It's karma for trying to leave me!" He sticks out his tongue, you do the same.

"You're such a baby, why couldn't Lancelot be here instead of you?" You muttered getting up, already missing the blonde prince it seems.

"Huh, what?" Naru saw your lips move but didn't hear what you said.

"It's nothing." You walk away to the weapons shop.

"Hello there young lady! Would you like to buy something?" A rough looking man asks you, you give him a toothy grin.

"A sword, a bow and lots of arrows. Oh, maybe a shield too." The man rises an eyebrow.

"I'm surprised that you want those weapons, usually girls by a magic tome or a staff." The man speaks loudly, he seemed like he was trying to prove some point.

"Hmm?" You think for a moment with a small head tilt, betting that you wouldn't be able to use magic. Sure, magic was cool and all but you didn't have it in you..

"I'll get a magic tome and a staff then too." The man laughs.

"Great! 1450 gold and 200 sliver!" You sweat drop hoping to have enough money. You look into the pouch Lancelot gave you and smile, thankfully you had enough.

End Game | x reader (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now