5- Some Help

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You had gotten a tip from someone off the street that the king of Bridgeham would have some information on where one of the legendary swords was located. In total there were three legendary swords and one already had an owner; since it was passed down from generations- and the person who wielded it now was Lancelot. The blade was called Excalibur, and was known as the holy sword that his father used to slay the dark dragon. Naru complained that you wouldn't need a legendary sword for anything but in End Game it was a goal of many who played and it was your goal was well. Heck he was even being a hypocrite since he himself looked for the legendary axes whilst playing the game before. As you held the reins in your hands Naru would occasionally sigh in his seat beside you, eventually after sometime the two of you made it to the castle gates. The guards looked very mean and all held grumpy facial expressions.

"Commoner! Do you have a written letter requesting you?" A guard speaks up, the others stand ever so still.

"A letter? Um, no?" You reply being to feel upset, clearly it wasn't going to be easy getting in and you should've know this. Next time you must think ahead thoroughly.

"Then you must leave! Go along now commoner!" The guards voice was loud, making his demands very clear. Clear enough for even a blind man to see.

"Shoot, of course this was going to happen.." Naru laughs at you.

"I told you so~" He tease with a few pokes to your side, you huff in increasing frustration.

"Ah, they're with me!" A familiar voice calls out from behind, a voice you hadn't heard in awhile. You turn head to see a toothy smile, that grin would never get old.

"Haze!" Your eyes widen and you offer him a big smile back, his red hair shown in the blazing sun. He runs up to your side, the head guard recognizes him almost instantly.

"Oh of course campion of the Arthur Kingdom, I fully understand. Right this way." The many guards shuffle over to open the large gates that protected their castle.

"We'll take your horses to the stable and park your carriage in the yard." A guard grumbles, to this you and Naru hop off heading through the gates with Haze.

"Fancy seeing you here little rose! Lancelot will surely be jealous." Haze chuckles, eyes going to Naru.

"And who's with you now (y/n)? Lancelot will be jealous of this also, for a prince he definitely gets jealous of you very easily.. I wonder why he's taken a liking to you so much.. Anyway! I'm Haze, and you are?" Naru worriedly meets Haze's happy gaze and let's out an awkward laugh.

"My names Naru.." Scratching his neck he look to you for help.

"Are you perhaps little roses brother? The two of you dress the same." Naru's face drops in disappointment— this was probably the last thing he wanted this weird guy to say.

"N-no!!" He chokes earning a teasing look from Haze.

"Wow! You're reactions are better than Lancelot's! Well, it's nice to meet you!" The three of you make you way to the castle doors, and a question pops into your head.

"Haze, what are you doing here?" You speak up, asking the question.

"Aaaa, good question! Was waiting for that one actually. And the answer is simple, Lancelot. He sent me here to Bridgeham to search for you, he assumed you'd need my help somewhere. So now you're kind of stuck with me, he sent me as your knight in shiny amour! Milady!" He gets down on one knee, kissing your hand with a grin. You blush at the foreign act not knowing what to say, Naru's face scrunches in annoyance.

The large castle doors open up and maids are running everywhere throughout the building, it seemed extremely busy- even compared to Lancelot's castle. You could only assume it may always be like this or something had happened. Another look around told you it must be the latter as the maids faces were filled it panic. Haze seemed to notice this too, Naru may have not though.

"Is something the matter?" Haze asks one of the maids, she stops in place and gives him a bewildered frown.

"Yes of course something's the matter! The young princess has gone missing! We can't find her anywhere!! The King and Queen are in a huge panic, and the queen has locked herself in her room." She explains before leaving in a hurry. All your faces turn into frowns, talking with the king about the sword might be difficult right now. But maybe you could strike him a deal..

"Haze, where is the throne room? Could you show me there, please?" He raises an eyebrow at this.

"Okay, will do but why?" Naru gives you a look reading your mind.

"She's going to make him a deal.. She wants information on one of the legendary swords, she's crazy." Haze laughs saying he likes the way your work and that you were definitely interesting alright. He then begins the way to the throne room down the large scarlet red velvet carpeted floors. The ceiling were high with chandeliers hanging every couple feet apart, and the walls hung a couple paintings of past royalty.

"This is it, and I know that for sure because it's hard to forget!" Haze gleams with pride, his hands resting on his side as he grins at the large crimson doors. "It's quite rude just to storm in there but I'd think he wouldn't mind at a desperate time like this." Haze pushes one of the doors with a foot, and you're met with a stern looking face of an old man who sat on one of the thrones- the highest one.

"Haze!" His voice was decently angered but the old king couldn't bring himself to be anymore than that.

"Campion of the Arthur Kingdom, you're such a fool! Where are the guards!" He demands.

"W-wait! I won't do it again, sorry King Bernard!" Haze gets down and bows- you and Naru follow, frighten on what may happen otherwise. Instead, to your surprise the King lets out a hearty chuckle that echoes through the whole room.

"I'm only teasing! Where is your usual sense of humour Campion of Arthur? And who are these guests?" The greying hairs of the king fall out of place as he rumbles loudly, swaying his body back as he chuckles. His arms move as he talks, which you found entertaining.

"I'm (y/n) and this is my companion Naru, we have come here to request some information of one of the legendary swords. But first we'll strike you a deal, if we find your daughter— will you give us the information you know?" The Kings eyes watch you carefully, almost like you were some kind of prey and him the predator. But he relaxes and accepts your deal.

"You have a deal, now off you go! If you don't get her back to me in a weeks time the deal is off, do you understand?" He grumbles out adding more to your deal, a time limit is something you've always hated in games.. And now you had one, great.

"Understood sir, you have a deal!" You take one last bow before exiting the throne room.

a/n: Hello, this is an old version of a current story being updated on @DespairCircus ! Please go check it out on that account if you're interested^^

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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