4- Unknown

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"What weapon do you want Naru?" You hummed looking up at the boy that was quite a bit taller then you. He seemed to just be average height, but it suited his average appearance.

"I'm a man, so the sword of course!" He breaths with a stupid grin plastered on his face, you go quiet for a moment to think.

"Actually, you don't get to pick since I paid." You smirk handing him the staff and the bow and arrows.

"You can be my cute little healer! Oh and just in case you can have the bow too!" You giggle amused as Naru frowns, clearly not as amused as you are.

"Why?" He pouts looking down at the staff; that was in his hands, sighing immensely.

"I have a feeling you'll look cute in a female mage outfit." You muse.

"If I can use the staff, I'm not healing you, ever." Naru deadpans as he crosses his arms in a bigger pout.

"Now, now don't be a baby~" You tease the poor boy.

"Shut up." He replies, hitting you on the head with the staff.

"Ow!" You curse in response, only to see a glowing soft green light coming from the staff, and- oddly enough your head no longer hurts! Your head turn to look at Naru with wide eyes.

"Woah, you healed me!" You carefully take the staff from his hands to examine it.

"I knew you were the perfect healer! Oh, by the way, what weapon class did you choose when you first started the game?" You keep your eyes on the staff as you ask the question, occasionally running a finger down the carvings and designs it possessed.

"I was an axe user, I made my character buff and large so I could use the all the legendary axes! That was if I ever found any.." He rubs the back of his neck in an awkward manner, and you're out a heartfelt chuckle.

"An axe user! Haha- that doesn't suit your in real life appearance at all!" Naru nods his head in agreement.

"In real life, huh? I guess this is our real life now..." Oddly Naru didn't seem upset at the fact, but nor were you; your previous life was..

"What was your life like?" His eyes quaver as he turns his head to avoid eye contact, this clearly telling you not to ask again.

"Oh I see, sorry." You apologize, realizing this stupid mistake; shouldn't ask a question you wouldn't want to personally answer.

"Let's head back to the carriage it will be dark soon." You nudge his shoulder then begin to walk ahead.

+ + +

"Hurry Lillie! We must head home before dark, or they will come for us!" You both turn your heads- As a mother grabs her daughters hand and runs down an alley way.

"They?" Naru comes up for behind you and peers into your eyes. "We should run." You agree with his words and do so, grabbing his wrist.

You breath heavily trying to catch your breath, the two of you had successfully made it back to the carriage.

"We made it.." You make out words between deep shaky breaths.

"Y-yeah.." Naru mutters and looks out the window.

"Umm.. oof!" He stumbles back almost falling into the carriage floor. "I think that the they the lady was talking about are the unknown." Naru points to the window, and you look out.

"Damn, I think you're right. They're so much scarier now.." Unknown were creatures of the night killing what ever they came across, in the game they were fairly easy to kill though it was now probably other wise. The towns people didn't know anything about them, no one did. They would just appear in certain towns, but not all.

"Should we try to kill them?" Naru states, looking down at his feet.

"Sure." You hum gently picking up the sword. "Let's go then!" You exclaim heading out the door and into the darkness, Naru collects his weapons and follows you.

"There's lots.." You breath before swinging your sword and making a clear cut through one of the unknowns, killing it.


"Wooah! Way to go (y/n)!" Naru cheers as he gets backed into a corner by a bunch of unknowns. Your feet move on their own leading you over to Naru, swiftly you swing you sword once again- killing all the unknown that surrounded Naru.

"(y/n) behind you!" Naru calls shaking in his shoes. You turn around as fast as your body would let you earning a slash from an unknowns claws, you grunt in pain and slash it back with your sword.

"Take that!" You stick out your tongue totally done for the night.

"Here (y/n) I'll heal you!" Naru touches your shoulder from behind and you puff out your cheeks in displeasure, your eyes focus on an odd shadow in the distance.

"We're getting in the carriage first, then you can heal me." You state before leading him back to the carriage safely. Naru places his staff near your wound and forces heavily as he squeezes his eyes shut tightly. A gentle green glow illuminates from it healing you.

"That's never going to get old." You smile at him as he opens his eyes.

"Yeah it still has me clueless on how I make it happen." He gushes cutely.

"You're my cute little healer and I'm your night in shiny armour!" You joke throwing him a blanket. "Now get to sleep now princess." You hum making yourself comfortable, Naru glares for a quick moment- then does so also.

End Game | x reader (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now