The Lakehouse and The Deadpool

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I went to go put the First Aid kit away and Scott was gone, along with Liam. I got on my bike and headed home. Scott, Sam and Stiles were yelling upstairs. I ran up there to see Liam in my bathtub with duct tape around him and over his mouth. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I yelled. Stiles closed the shower curtain and we went to Scott's room. 

"So you bit him?" Sam asked. Scott nodded. 

"And you kidnapped him?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Scott said. I smacked him. 

"And you brought him here?" Stiles asked. 

"I panicked." Scott said. 

"This is a reminder why I always come up with the plans because your plans suck ass." Stiles told Scott. 

"I know, that's why I called you." Scott said. 

"Anyways, I'm going to go free your hostage." I said as I got up and headed towards the bathroom. They came in and picked him up, putting him in a chair. 

"Liam, we're going to take the tape off, but if you scream it goes right back on. Got it?" Stiles asked. He nodded. Stiles reached for the tape and I smacked his hand. I gently pulled the tape off of his lips. 

"Okay Liam, now tonight you've seen alot of rather confusing things, and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Understand?" Stiles said. 

"No really." He answered. 

"Good, that's good." Stiles said. 

"I don't understand either." Scott said. 

"Maybe you should tell him." Stiles said. Oh boy.


I didn't want to tell him that I had ruined his life by trying to save it. I didn't know where to begin or how he'd react. 

"Tell me what?" Liam yelled. Riley put his hand on his shoulder. 

"Calm down Liam." He said. 

"Liam, what I did to you, in order to save you, it's going to change you." I said. 

"Unless it kills you." Stiles said. Riley smacked him. Liam started crying. 

"Liam, it's going to be okay." I reassured him. Riley started cutting the tape off of him and drying his eyes. "Liam, are you okay?" I asked. I had no clue that he was going to pick up the chair he was just sitting in and hit us with it. Long story short, Liam got away.


I was in my room, doing my homework when I heard a name being whispered. 'Peter.' I looked around and it was no one in my room. It kept getting louder and louder, finally, I screamed. Eli came running in my room. 

"Call Derek. I think there's something wrong with Peter." I told him.

The next day, we pretty much cornered Liam in the locker room. 

"Liam, we're brothers now." Scott said. Is he really quoting Derek right now? 

"What?" He said. "We just met and you bit me. What are you talking about?" He asked. 

"The bite, it's a gift." Scott continued. 

"Scott stop, please." Stiles said. "We are trying to help you, you little runt." He said. 

"By kidnapping me?" Liam asked. 

"Scott kidnapped you." Stiles corrected. 

"Liam, I've gone through this before. We've gone through this before. Something is happening to you. Something big." I said. 

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