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After the party, I stayed at Derek's loft. I didn't feel like going home. Something was different about him. He didn't seem like the usual mean asshole he usually is.

I was awaken by a phone call from Scott telling me I needed to go down to the station.

"It's a deadpool. A supernatural hit list." I said. Scott showed the sheriff the list after Stiles was done telling him what he found. "But it's only 1/3 of it. The rest needs to be decoded." I said. 

"Who found this list?" The sheriff asked. 

"Lydia, Anna and Riley." Stiles said. He looked at me. 

"How?" The sheriff asked. 

"She wrote it. Mainly the code. Unaware of it." Stiles said. 

"Banshee thing?" The sheriff asked. 

"Yep." I said. 

"What are these numbers next to the names?" He asked. 

"We're getting to that, but first, you should know that the code was broken with a cypher key." Sam said. 

"A keyword?" He asked. 

"Actually, a name; Allison." I said. I don't think it's a good time to tell Scott that Argent told me that Allison's body had gone missing. 

"Her name broke the first third of the list." Scott said. 

"We think there's two other cypher keys." Sam said. 

"Which will give us the rest of the list." The sheriff said. "Okay, so how do we get the cypher keys?" He asked. 

"Same way we got the code, a Banshee." Stiles said. They all looked at me. 

"Wrong Banshee." I said. 

"Lydia and Anna have been at the lake house all weekend trying to figure out the other two cypher keys." Sam said.

"You guys didn't know about Demarco or Carrie, correct?" The sheriff asked. We shook our heads. 

"Okay, well what about these other three names; Kayleen Bettcher, Elias Town and Anastasius Cheveyo?" He asked. Did I hear that right? 

"What was that last one?" I asked. 

"Anastasius Cheveyo." He repeated. 

"Are they werewolves too?" He asked. 

"We don't know." Scott said. 

"But Deaton said the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here." I said. 

"Here as in Beacon Hills?" The sheriff asked. The sheriff was going on about how the deadpool could hold alot more than 12 names next time. 

"Well here's the thing, it has to add up to 117 millions dollars." I said. 

"What?" He asked. 

"117 millions dollars was taken from the Hale vault." I said.

The next day was exhausting. It was the first Lacrosse game of the season and we were going up against Devonford Prep. Great.

I overheard Scott and Derek talking in the locker room. Scott was telling Derek how scared he was and how he didn't know what to do. Derek told him to use his council; his brothers. I was in class when I got a message from Stiles. 

'The killer is on the lacrosse team. Meet us in coach's office.' It read.

After class, I ran to coach's office. We looked in all of the lacrosse poles and found nothing. 

"This is pointless, most of the lacrosse players use their own poles." Scott said. 

"Maybe instead of trying to look for the stick with the dagger, we should be trying to get tonight's game cancelled." Kira said. 

"The game is the best way to catch the killer red handed." Scott said. 

"What if their hands are red because they're covered in the blood of the person they just stabbed to death?" Stiles asked. 

"Which by the way, could be any of you guys." Kaige said to Scott, Sam, Kira, Kieran, Cole and I. 

"Or Liam." I said. 

"We don't have the whole list so he could be on it." Sam said. 

"We know nothing about that list, how it's made or how it's updated." Kaige said. 

"I think Kira's right, we should stop the game." Stiles said. 

"I'm not afraid." Scott said. 

"Neither am I." Kira said. 

"Me either." Sam said. 

"Well, I'm absolutely terrified and I'm not even on the list!" Stiles yelled.

Stiles, Scott and Sam went to go find Liam. Apparently, he has Intermittent explosive disorder, or IED. He told us, after he calmed down, that he knows who paid for the keg at Lydia's party. Garrett.

Instead of going to the Lacrosse game, I was ordered to go to the Sheriff Station. I met up with Lydia, Anna, and Malia. Lydia handed Meredith her phone. 

"Aren't you going to answer it?" She asked. 

"It's not ringing." Meredith answered. Oh here we go.

After a while, Parrish got an answer out of Meredith. 2-4-3-6. Lydia told me to get back to the school and play in the game. By the time I got there, I saw Liam and some other kid run into each other. I heard them both scream in pain. I ran out to Liam. 

"Are you okay? How hard did you hit him?" I asked. 

"I didn't hit him. He hit me." He said. I looked at his broken arm. 

"Close your eyes." Sam said. Scott grabbed his arm and snapped it back into place. We heard a blade being retracted. 

"Were any of you cut?" I asked frantically. 

"No." They said. 

"Then who was it he was after?" Sam asked. 

"You Liam." Scott said.

Liam talked to coach and he was out of the rest of the game. 

"Guys, Lydia just broke another third of the deadpool." I said as I read the text. 

"Am I on it?" Liam asked. 

"No, but one of the names is a Brett Talbot." I said. 

"That's the guy I ran into." Liam said. I looked at my brothers. 

"Stay here Liam." Sam said as we ran to the locker room.

We ran in the locker room and Brett was on the floor. He looked at us and I went towards him when someone jumped on Scott's back. I grabbed my dagger and pointed it at her. It was Garrett's girlfriend, Violet. Scott pulled the wire from around his neck and grabbed her by her neck and slammed her against the wall. Stiles came running in, but by then, I had already called my dad.


I was at home with my dad and Isaac when I heard something in the basement. 

"We have a code. What is it Severo?" The old woman from Mexico said. 

"We hunt those who hunt us." He responded.

"Christopher?" She said. "Say it with me." She whispered. 

"We hunt those who hunt us. What is our code?!" She yelled. 

"The Argents have a different code. We protect those who cannot protect themselves." I said as I came down the stairs. They all faced me. "It doesn't matter if they're supernatural or not, if we can protect them, we will. Now get the hell out of my house." I said. 

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