The Bone Woman

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The Deadpool was over. No more assassins, no more deaths, no more bad things.

That night, Scott and Sam had a talk with mom. Apparently, they kept the money from Garrett's locker. My mom made them give the money back to the Hales. I was laying down in my bed but I couldn't sleep. Any other time when it was storming like this, I slept like a baby. I tried listening to music, counting sheep, everything and nothing worked. I was drawn outside for some reason. I ended up walking all the way to the loft but I wasn't alone. Lydia, Anna and I arrived at the door of Derek's loft. He opened the door and we screamed.

All I remember after that is waking up in Derek's bed. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"You along with your screaming friends arrived in front of my door screaming your heads off." Derek said as he ascended the stairs. I was still mad at him about the whole Braeden thing. 

"Riley, I'm sorry. I know you're still mad at me and I'm sure you hate me, but please, please understand that I never wanted to hurt you." He said as he came closer to me. 

"Derek, stop." I said quietly. I was on the verge of tears just by being in his presence and him apologizing is only making it worse. 

"Riley, just listen. I love you." He said as he sat on the bed. I looked up at him and the tears just fell down my face uncontrollably. He reached for my hand and I jerked it back. 

"Stop. I have to go." I said as I got up from his bed. Derek grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. 

"Stop this." He said. "You don't have to be like this. You've put up this wall and it's only hurting you." He said as he put his face in my hair. "Riley Jose Akota Delgado McCall, I love you. I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. I want that little kid I met in the forest back." He said. I looked up at him and he was crying too. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. 

"Forgive me Pequeno." He whispered. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. "Close your eyes." He demanded. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Just do it." He said annoyingly. I closed my eyes and I felt a velvet box in my hands. 

"Derek." I said as I opened my eyes. 

"Happy 16th Birthday Riley." He said as he kissed my forehead. "Open it." He whispered. I opened it and it was a bracelet. It had a triskelion engraved on it. I looked on the back of it and it had a saying in Spanish. 

'Siempre seras mi pequeno lobo. -D.Hale' 

"You will always be my little wolf." I said. I looked at him and pure happiness was written all over his face. "I'll never take it off. Thank you Der." I said. 

"Anything for you." He said.

My brothers came over and tried giving Derek the money back. 

"Don't you want to know why it took so long for us to return it?" Scott asked. 

"How much do you guys make at the animal clinic?" Derek asked. 

"Minimum wage." Sam said. 

"That's why. Anyone can be tempted, even True Alphas boys." He said. 

"You're not angry?" Sam asked. 

"It's not even mine it's all Peter's." Derek laughed. 

"Where's your money?" I asked. 

"You, my dear, are standing on it." He said. Scott looked down. 

"There's another vault under us?" Scott asked. My god. Could my brother get any dumber? 

Three Little Wolves Part 4Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz