To Eichen House with you

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I guess the whole Berserker thing didn't go with me. I think it was because I was already a hybrid of 2 creatures. I opened my eyes and I saw Kira. 

"Kira?" I asked. 

"Riley." She said. I walked over to her and helped her up. 

"We have to find my brothers." I said. She nodded and we headed out. 

"Scott?" Kira called out quietly.

We walked down the tunnel as quietly as we could. We looked up and there was one of the Berserkers. 

"Kira run!" I yelled. We turned to run, but were too late when Kira was attacked by one. I went to help her when the other one grabbed me and held me. We heard a snarl and he stopped attacking her. The Berserker attacking Kira? Scott. 

"I'm going to have to do a better job at covering that up." Kate said. 

"Maybe while you're covering that up, you can die and stay dead." I snapped. 

"What did you do to them?" Kira asked. 

"How is the better question. See, when I finally got away from the Calaveras, I had no place to go. But for some unknown reason, I was drawn here." She answered. "The temple of Tezcatlipoca." She added. "His name means 'smoking mirror' and this place is made of smoking mirror." She said. 

"Obsidian." I said. 

"That's right little Riley. When I got here, I found the Berserkers, just patiently waiting for me. They helped me survive and I honestly didn't know why until just recently. When I decided to trust someone I would never trust." She said. "Then, I found out that now only can I control the Berserkers, but I could create them." She said. 

"So you kidnap my brothers and I in order to make your own personal lap dogs?" I snarled. 

"No not at all sweetheart. You see, the call me La Loba. The Bone Woman. We only let you two out because we needed to test their loyalty." She said. "Did you guys know that Scott and Sam became an Alpha without having to kill anyone?" Kate asked. 

"True Alpha." I said. Kate made a motion and Scott stabbed Kira with his dagger and Sam made a cut across my chest. I screamed. Almost like a siren for my pack to know where I was.


Apparently, something happened to Riley. Stiles went to tell his dad that we were going to go find them. I tried stopping Cole from bursting into The Argent's place, but it didn't work. Cole busted through the doors of Argent's office and used his powers to elevate him above the ground. 

"Where did she take them?!" He yelled. 

"I don't know." Argent gasped. 

"Where did that whore take my boyfriend?!?!" He screamed. 

"Cole, let him down. He doesn't know anything." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. As if I flipped a switch, he broke down into my arms and cried.

"I can't lose him." He cried.

I got a call from Stiles and we were all meeting up to go over the plan. 

"How'd the hell did you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asked Braeden. 

"I'm a U.S Marshal." She answered. Stiles and Kaige took Jay, Eli, Marco, Liam, Malia, Kieran, Dimytri, Jayden and Kayden to try and get a scent of the McCalls and Kira. 

 "I thought that was just a cover." Malia said. 

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek asked, pointing at Liam. 

Three Little Wolves Part 4Where stories live. Discover now