Chapter 4:The Reunion

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Doney's POV

After they went to the stage the crowd went crazy they started chanting the fan boys started to simple them like some thirsty animal damn they are disgusting,i feel sick of them the fan boys only here just to see their body and that's make me mad,really mad but i have to keep my cool so i can do the job and of course dont let any fan boys any closer than they are right now,then i heard the girls talk on stage.

Evelynn: Hello my darlings!

Fan boy#1: My diva queen please step on me

Ok this is going out of hand

Fan boy#2: Please let me touch you my queen

Fucking hell man what's wrong with this people jeez i need to review myself and have a talk with the girls about this damn

Ahri: Night City i have arrived!

Fan boy#3: My goddess please let me feel tour tails

Fan boy#4: Please let touch your thighs my goddess

Yup their fans are officially fucking crazy

Kai'sa:Hey Everyone thank you so much for coming today!

Fan boy#5: Kai'sa let me touch your ass

Fan boy#6: Your us the best Kai'sa!

Yoooo what the fuck bro they just here for Kai'sa's that so disrespectful man

Akai:Wazzup yall thanks for coming to the concert!

Fan boy#7: Akali you so cool please hang out with me!

Fan boy#8; Hey Akali im rich so maybe call me and hangout?

And this ones are ducking worst they just want to date Akali so they can earn fucking fams and money they all disgusted me,their first song came up and it quite entertaining it was amazing to exact

Their second songs is also amazing i dont know how they can do it but they did damn i love these girls fuck i love before they were normal person their beauty,their personality everything of them make me feel more more in live to them

After 2 songs the concert ends it was not ecery long but it was enough to satisfy the fans after the shows they have a little event for the vip is to meet them in person i just they aren't pervert if they are they will get a life time beating

Doney: (thought)Huh that's a long line how rich are these people?


Doney:(voice changer)Let me see your ticket please

She gave her ticket to check

Doney: (voice changer)Hold on a second this is fake ticket you trying to trick me here?!

She didn't answer

Doney:(voice changer)Fucking hell get out of her-

Doney:(voice changer)Hold on you are with Arasaka!!!

Then Adam Smasher shows up

Adam:Hey fucker you gonna step a side before you get hurt

Doney: (voice changer)Fuck off Smasher what do you want with the girls!?

Smasher:I dont  Arasaka's order

Doney:(thought) Fuck they figured them out they want to capture them to make me go to the Arasaka myself Fuck!!!

Doney:(voice changer)No chance fuck face you better get out of here soon or fucking death coming knock on your door!

Smasher:(Laugh) you think you can stop me!? Fucking fool let's get this over with!

Evelynn's POV

We are hanging out with the vip talking with each other,they are wierd i have to say but anything for the reputation being a pop star really tired me out


Ahri: You ok Eve? You sound exhausted

Evelynn: Im fine it's just a bit tired

Fan#1:Hey Evelynn can we hang out sometimes?

Evelynn: Sorry darling i really dont have the time for dating thing

Fan#1: Cmon just 1 day?

Evelynn: I said no-

Before I finish my sentence H1dden got blew through the door

Evelynn:Wtf!? What's going H1dden!?

H1dden:Fuck you girls need to get out here right fucking now!!!

Then i saw something that scared me,my entire life i havent been this scared like ever there it was fucking Adam Smasher right in front of me he take his arm out before he graps me H1dden push out of the way and fire rocket from his arm to push back Adam

H1dden: (voice changer)Get out now!!!

We all ran out H1dden stayed behind to stop that scary motherfucker

Ahri:Wtf is going why is he here!?

Kai'sa: Question later Ahri keep running

We keep running to the parking lot  i called the elevator fuck why it so slow!?

Then H1dden run towards as with damage on his armor but his helmet still intact his voice changer still working huh im impressed with that armor

H1dden:(voice changer)Oh thank god you girls ok-

He stop in middle of the sentence when a bullet hits his arm he turn around and saw Smasher looking at us

Adam: You think you can stop me with those low tech of yours big mistake you fucker!

H1dden Trying to slow down Smasher before he get any closer the elevator arrives we all get in

Ahri:Get in here H1dden

He ran towards the elevator but one of the bullet hit him in the head luckily he fell right in the elevator Smasher ran up to the elevator to stop it but i use my tailes stop i whoop both of his arm and he let go of the door

Evelynn: fuck...How is H1dden doing?

Ahri:He's fine the bullet hits his helmet so dont worry

H1dden:(broken voice chager) im ok shit it's hurt tho damn

Wait that voice...


To be continued...

Night City's Leagend (Cyberpunk Kda x OC x harem) ( Still in process)Where stories live. Discover now