Chapter 19: The lost memories

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Yoru's POV

Evelynn show the room i'll staying but there's something familiar about her and this place but i cant tell what it feels like we met before

Evelynn: Well this is the place our rooms will be next to you if you need anything just tell us ok?

Yoru: Yeah thx Evie

She jumped and have a shock face on her face

Evelynn: What did you say!?

Yoru: Oops sorry my mouth slip i don't know why i said that my bad boss wont happen again

Evelynn: No no it's alright it just-never mind just relax ok?

Yoru: Alright thanks Evelynn night

Evelynn: Night darling...

Yoru: Darling? Whatever night

I entered the room and close the door i turn around and saw a-lot of equipment,tech around me the a armor suit hit me i took a look at it

Yoru: This feel so familiar

I touch it then a voice started to talk

???: Welcome back master Doney

Yoru: Umm hi im not Doney tho sorry for woke you up

???: That's alright master Doney

Yoru: No im Yoru not Doney

???: But you are my creator and your name is Doney i scaned you and your information and body are matches with my creator

Yoru: Im sorry but im not must be im a look a like to him

???: I see then my apologies my name is Javies nice to meet you Yoru

Yoru: Like wise so tell me about this Doney person Javises

Evelynn's POV

Evelynn:He called me Evie...he called Evie!

Akali then popped her head in the corner

Akali: What was that?

Evelynn: Doney called me my nick name!

Akali: Really? Did he remember again?

Evelynn: No not yet but it's a start he did say it without knowing so maybe the memories are coming back bit by bit

Akali: i hope so i just really miss him i hope he will return as himself soon

Evelynn: Yeah i know darling don't worry it will be just be patient ok?

Akali: Yeah thanks Eve...

Evelynn: Don't mention it Li

Yoru's POV

After Javies told me all about this Doney guy he sound like a great guy and to my boss i hope i can meet him someday

Javies: He's a generous man and a good boyfriend to the girls he was going to propose to them next year too he already bought the rings

Yoru: Man it suck he disappeared

Javies: Yes it's a shame he also bought each of the girls gift you can give it to them if you want he didnt have the chance but im sure he would like them to have it now they've been there for months now

Yoru: Yeah i guess i cam do that where they are now?

Javies: They are under the bed

I went to the bed and look down amd saw a box i grap it and open it there are few of them and each of them have the name on them.There's this

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