Chapter 17: The Rift Walker

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After dinner...

Ahri's POV

After dinner we got to the living room and call V to check on Doney and why he's not home yet

Evelynn: Alright it's time call V

We all nod and she started to call on the big screen so we can all hear her

V: Hello?

Evelynn: V? It's Evelynn im calling to check on Don is he ok?

She silent for a moment that make us worry

V: You might want to call the others and sit down

Evelynn: ok what's wrong V is he ok? Just please answer us that

V: He-he's gone Smasher got him and since then i couldn't contact him...

We all got so shock that we lost all forcus Kai'sa passed out Akali ran to her room and Eve was furious very furious i just can't believe he's gone again and forever this time

Evelynn: No he must be still alive im not letting your words make me think he's dead!

V: Evelynn i tried my best im sorry he pushed us to the elevator and lock it after it got us out he stayed behind to make sure Smasher don't follow us...

Evelynn: No it cant be it cant fucking be!

Evelynn: Ahri can you believe this bitch!?

Ahri: Eve stop please...

She turn around saw Im holding Kai'sa and tears on my face

Evelynn: I-im sorry i just-

Ahri: i k ow Eve i know i just can't believe that he's-

I cried more i cant stop feeling my heart got torn apart i was angry and sad

Evelynn: im sorry V i should said those things to you it just-

V: I know i take none of that i know how you feel right now so ill let you be please take some time to calm down ok?

Evelynn: Yeah thanks V we will

V: Nova take care...

She ended the call and we all tried to calm each other

Ahri: I can't believe that he's-

Evelynn: i know i know darling...

She hold me tight so make me feel calm again

Ahri:(sigh)Let's take Kai'sa to her room and we need to check on Akali...

Evelynn: Yeah something tells me this impact her very badly...

We took Kai'sa to her room and we went to check in Akali

Evelynn:(knock) Akali honey you ok...?

No answer this is bad i hope she's ok

Ahri: Akali sweetie please open up we want to check on you

We then try to open the door the door didnt lock so we open it when we opened it we didnt see Akali anywhere saw the window's open

Ahri: Shit she's going for Smasher!

Evelynn: We have to go and stop her!

We ran to the garage and took one the fastest car Eve has it is Hennessey Venom GT

We ran to the garage and took one the fastest car Eve has it is Hennessey Venom GT

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Night City's Leagend (Cyberpunk Kda x OC x harem) ( Still in process)Where stories live. Discover now