Chapter Twenty Five

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12:00 pm

Everyone had finished getting ready, Aqua had paused the live stream to get dressed, Sasha was shoving candy in her bag.

"Well I'm ready." Sasha said zipping up her bag.

"Me too! I haven't gone to a movie theater in forever!" Derik said all giddy.

"Me neither, I actually had my first kiss there. Didn't wanna go again to forget the memory...but its been so long." Sasha said finding random candy and shoving them in her bag.

"Woah...that's deep.." Derik said, curious how much candy she'd be taking.

"Huh? Oh you're Derik?? I though Aqua was in here." Sasha had been looking down at her bag the whole time.

"Did someone say my name?" Aqua walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Do I sound like a girl or something? Sasha mistook me for you!!" Derik said a bit embarrassed.

"Yea." Aqua and Sasha replied at the same time.

"Damn. Alright lets go." Derik said embarrassed.

"I'm driving!!" Sasha said running to get her keys, and booking it down the hall to the garage.

"Hey wait up!" Aqua ran after her and Derik followed.

They all hopped in Sasha's BMW, while Bo stayed at home. About 15 minutes later they arrived at the movie theater. All hopping out as Derik decided to initiate a race.

"Whoever wins I'll pay for their snacks!" He said booking it to the doors.

"Not even a count down? You're on!!" She said before running as fast as fast as she could. Her purse of candy dropping goodies everywhere.

"Hey I don't want to ruin my makeup by getting sweaty..ughhh!" Aqua complained before lazily running to the doors.

Sasha was first bursting through the doors, Chita getting scared as they we're waiting for them.

"I WIN! I'm selling out this whole spot!" Sasha said proudly, Aqua and Derik not far.

"Hi you three! Having a race?" Jackie said running over to Aqua and hugging her.

"Yup and winning! that Rocksea?" Sasha tilted her head. She wasn't expecting to see her.

"Oh yes, we invited her since she was here, and didn't know what movie to watch!" Chita said, as Rocksea shuffling twords them.

"Hey.." she said nervously, avoiding eye contact with Sasha.

"Hi Ro." Sasha said nervous aswell.

"Cmon party people time to watch a movie!" Jackie said as they walked to the ticket booth. Derik went up and paid for this romcom. Rocksea made sure to get two seats up high so she could talk to Sasha.

The gang went in, got a bunch of snacks, checked their tickets, and went to the movie room. As they walked to their seats, Ro and Sash sat next to each other. Rocksea texting something on her phone, and Sasha sitting there awkwardly. As the movie starts Sasha tries to think of something, anything to say to her..

"Um..Rocksea?" She whispers turning to her.

"What." She said sternly, not even looking at her.

"I uh..why are things so weird between us? Did I.. did I do something wrong?" She said sadly.

"Yea just you laughing at my feelings for you."

"W-what I..I'm sorry Rocksea. I didn't realize you meant it." She seemed genuine.

"Yeah I did." She looks at her.

"I..I do like you, Rocksea." *she puts her hand on her thigh*

"You do..?"

"I do!"

In that quick moment Rocksea leaned in and kissed her. Sasha didn't hold back, but..when she said she liked her not in that way!!

"Rocksea I.. that's not what I-" she pulls away.

"What, this isn't what you want?" She holds her.

"I um...." She kisses Rocksea, even though that's not what she wanted..she didn't want to make Rocksea anymore upset.

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