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Santosh - Who are you? You came into my dream

Monk - I am your trainer.. I will train you to fight.

Santosh - To fight? With whom?

Monk - The Evil Three ...

All three were perplexed.

Monk - okay! Now listen carefully....
Thousands years ago, your ancestors received magical powers to save the planet. Earlier, there were Worthy Six. But then three of them stepped on the wrong path and held a desire to rule the World. Their lineage is now known as the 'Evil Three'. The other three are still on the good path and have fought the ' Evil Three ' for centuries. The Worthy Three positions are heredity. Karishma's Father, Santosh's Father and  Haseena's Mother were the previous Worthy Three, Ok. You got it?

They were all speechless and are floating on the air of their imagination. First of all they are not able to digest that they are the kids of the Worthy Three and had been choosen to be next Worthy Three. Before they could understand anymore...

Monk - Now, I would like to handing out your powers after you all pass the required tests.

Santosh - That's cool man .

Monk- The first test was for archery.. Okay, you would have to shoot an arrow that uproot 100 trees at once. Remember! Only one arrow should be used for this.

Santosh tried first she tried to aim, but the arrow went off the target. Haseena also tried, but it could only hit tree. Then came Karishma she aimed at the tree and pulled the arrow on the bowstring and let go. The arrow went towards the tree and uprooted all the trees in first attempt. She was appalled so Santosh and Haseena also.

Monk - Karishma, I am impressed by you . He then chanted a mantra and gave Karishma a blue growing bow and a quiver with a arrows. This quiver will never get out of arrows and contains indefinite arrows. This bow and arrow have the capability of beheading 100 of people at once and can spilt the earth into two halves with one arrow. Also when it is held, you have a capability of flying.

Then the next test was ON.

Monk - In this test, you have to behead this wodden human statue with a sword blindfolded.

Max tried, was unsuccessful and so was Haseena. Santosh came and put the blindfold on her eyes and she used her hearing ability and stuck at the statue's neck. The head went flying off to the ground. Santosh is quite and pleaded herself.

Monk- Santosh! Your sword skills are commendable.. He chanted a mantra again and handed a green Glowing Sword to Santosh. When you hold the sword, your speed will be fast as compare to lighting. The sword has a knock back of a thousand yard and can behead many people at once........

Monk- In third test you would have to kill 100 Zombies using this trident in less than 10 seconds..

Karishma said to haseena  - You first..
Because she knew the third power will be her ...

As expected, she indeed killed all the zombies in 9 sec and th Monk gave her a yellow glowing trident that can kill 100 of zombies aur peoples in less than 10 sec when she holds it, she can control water and also heal the wound .

Monk- So, you all have received your powers and have indeed become the Worthy Three..

Karishma - So now can we go and defat the Evil Three now ?

Monk( while laughing)- You think defating them would be easy? They are far above us in terms of power and knowledge and the previous Worthy Three are not able to defeat them as they were so powerful. You first need to focus on your traning.

Haseena- If so then let's begin.

Santosh- So when we are going to start the training?

Haseena has a lot of questions to ask but before they could ask their questions to the Monk, the Monk disappeared into the temple.

Haseena- Cam we trust him ?

Santosh- Do we have any other option?

Karishma- She guys we all have seen Monk in our dreams. He also knew about our parents. Above all, he has given us a lot of powers based on our performance and strength. So I think that we should trust him and he is the only one we have to get ourselves to that level from where we can defeat The Evil Three and save our World ..

The three locked each other and started following the Monk into the temple ...


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