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Monk- Max your focus should be exactly on the thing you want to pierce...

Karishma  was listening very carefully. Santosh and Haseena were studying in the other houses. The monk placed a wooden bird on a distant tree.  He took out an arrow from his quiver, placed it on his bow and let go. The arrow went like a bullet and pierced the wooden bird's eye. Karishma's mouth fell open. She was astonished at seeing the skills of the Monk.

Monk asked - You want to learn it?

Karishma - O....Of course !

The monk gave Karishma a normal bow. Karishma aimed and shot but the arrow went towards the bird but hit the tree bark instead . 

Monk- I think you are not holding the bow correctly.

He held Karishma's bow and moved it slightly upwards and to the right. Karishma let go and the arrow did pierce the bird's eye. 

Monk- You must practice Karishma, I have put a large responsibility on your shoulders.

At night Karishma met Santosh and Haseena , both were looking exhausted.

Santosh- O- Oh My God! I- I can't su- survive h- here they made me run 10 rounds around their large stadium....

Haseena- O- Only 10 rounds ??!! I ran about 50...

Karishma- Only 50 and 10 I ran about 100 rounds in the morning 

Both stared at Karishma..

Santosh - Are you kidding me ?

Karishma- No. Why should I ? But, honestly I felt as though I would pass out..

Santosh- No sincerely, I missed my P.ED teacher ?

They talked till 10 and then slept..

Get up!!

Santosh muttered sleepily- Let me sleep ....

It's 5am

Santosh again muttered sleepily- Lemme sleeps for another hour!!


Karishma wake up with a start her dress was all wet Santosh and Haseena were also all wet. The monk just spilt the bucket of water on them..

Santosh - What in the world...

Monk interrupted Santosh -  Get up and don't be a couch potatoes...

The three got up and changed their dress and went to their respective training houses..

Monk- Good morning Karishma .

Karishma- Good morning Monk..

Karishma took up her weapon and aimed her target after a few trials Karishma was able to shoot her arrows at the right target.

Monk- Good Karishma.. Now I'm increasing the level. And brought a wooden bird and placed it o the tree and said - Pierce the Eye Karishma..

Karishma aimed, properly set her bow pulled the arrow and let go the arrow went forward and pierced the wooden bird's body.

Monk-  Good try... But you didn't achieve the goal yet!

Karishma aimed, now even more carefully and let it go of the arrow. This time the arrow pierced the bird's eye .

Monk- Very good.. Now enough of still object and now I would be throwing this bag in air and the arrow must shoot the bag in mid- air!

Then he pulled a bag and threw it in the air. Karishma tried but he bag always fell to the ground before Karishma could aim it. After that, it had been like a quest to Karishma, who could not even sleep for many days trying to shoot the bag in mid- air . After the 5th day Santosh and Haseena came to meet Karishma . 

Santosh- Karishma! We are really happy that you are practising archery so hard..

Haseena- But it has been many days since you last slept. You must take care of you health too..

Karishma- I am very grateful to both of you that you care for me so much but , I must master Archery and show the Monk that I'm worthy of being the part of the Worthy Three...

Santosh- That is quite inspirational..

Haseena- I agree!

Then the three besties practiced hard day ad night trying to master their skills. Soon, the summer breaks came and three returned to their homes. Karishma's father, Alex welcomed her and was delighted to see her daughter after a long gap. He hugged Karishma and father-daughter talked ..

Karishma- Dad! First tell me that why didn't you tell me that you are a apart of Worthy Three?

Alex( Karishma's dad)- Err. It is supposed to be  a secret..

Karishma- I am satisfied by that answer.. I will let you go this time!

They both grinned.

Alex- Anyway's how was you training?

Karishma- It was amazing the monk took our test and gave me this !! She showed her Blue- glowing Bow to Alex.

Alex- Wow!! I remember my First Day! He gave me a Blue glowing Trident..

Ariana( Karishma's Mother)- Dinner time!!

They both hurried to the dining table and had their dinner and slept. The next day, Karishma woke up at 6 and hurried to Santosh's backyard with her Bow. As she reached her two friend's were already there 

Santosh- Blimey Karishma! I thought you would sleep till 11 today..

Haseena- We now as a training, have to cut off the head from the body of these wooden statues. Karishma ! You go first and cut the head of the first three statues.

Karishma held up her Bow took out an arrow from her quiver and shot it towards the neck of the statues. The arrow cut right through the necks of the three statues.

Santosh- Cool 

Then Santosh picked up her green- glowing sword and struck three times near the statues and the heads fell to the ground..

Karishma- Wow..

Haseena then picked up her yellow- glowing trident an threw it toward the last three statues. The Trident cut off the heads and retracted back to Haseena.


The three looked behind .

Karishma's father , Santosh's father and Haseena's mother were watching their performances.

Alex(Karishma's father)- You all are indeed on the right path to being the best warriors of the world!

Karan( Santosh's father)- At the end of your training, you will be undefeatable!

Karishma then suggested a football match, which everyone agreed upon and they placed happily for quite some time. Karishma followed same routine for a month and the Summer vacations were soon over and they returned to Kalovana Training Centre and resumed his training... 


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