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After a road journey of two days, the Worthy Three reached the village where the Prophecy Teller lives.

"Prophecy Teller- Sir ! We are here to know our prophecy". Worthy Three ! So you have come to know your prophecy ?

He took out a long thick stick and on top of it, was a blue coloured ball. He tapped it gently on Karishma's Santosh's and Haseena's heads. Then the Prophecy Teller's eyes turned black . His hair started floating in the air. He levitated above ground. He held his stick horizontally and whispered something. The Worthy Three pulled out their weapons, thinking that it was the evil three in the Prophecy Teller started.

"Prophecy Teller- 'You would be famous.....

                           But there would be a lot of obstacles.....

                         You will suffer a lot....

                     Which would shatter your souls ......

                                You would be the Hero....

The evil blade shall be soaked with blood.....

You would make your place in  History..............

But, you would have to pay dearly" 

The three were perplexed. After saying Goodbye to the Prophecy Teller, the three started their return journey. Finally they reached their training center after two days and directly went to meet the Monk in his chamber.

They told the Prophecy to the Monk.

Monk[ suddenly the monk blanched]- ....... " but you would have to pay dearly ".

Karishma- What does this mean ?

Monk- I-I can't tell you that...

There was a long silence then.. After sometime 

Monk- Y-You should return to your homes then.

The Worthy Three bid the Monk a farewell and started their journey back to their homes. While they were travelling back homes.

Haseena asked- Why do you think the Monk blanched?

Santosh- I don't know that. But I know that our path to defeat the Evil Three would be filled with Dark Truths!!

Noone had a response to that. All of them heard the name for the first time in their life.  They returned to their homes where they were welcomed by their parents. Parents were very happy to see their childrens after a long gap. They were also excited to learn about their well being and trainings. All three, share their journey and the training details with their parents. After having dinner, they went to sleep.

It was a beautiful night. Kids were really happy to be back at their homes and with their parets. They didn't want to sleep at that time, but had to because of tiredness of the long journey. There was peace everywhere. But the darkness was ready to show his face...


That's it for today guys she you all in next part till then read comment and vote the story 



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