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Four years have passed in between....

It was the last day of Karishma's training. He is now a fully trained warrior with all the knowledge of archery. Her friends, Santosh & Haseena are also fully trained. The three are now sitting down on the mats infrontt of Monk and listening.

Monk- Today evening I will take your final test, my disciplest. Yo are now a fully trained warrior and can face any enemy.

Karishma nodded she is now confident of herself. Three of them went to back to the tent.

Santosh asked- Today is our final test. What do you think will we pass it ?

Haseena- Ofcousre, We will.

They had their lunch and went to the Monk in the evening. Karishma noticed a large dug- down square pit in the ground which was as large as 10 times of their whole school . Karishma also noticed a large army in it.

Monk- This large army that you are seeing has over 30,000 soldiers in it . You three have to defeat this army.

Karishma (in mind)- How could we three defeat 30,000 soldiers?

Karishma went to pit with her friends and the battle began. Karishma aimed at the army, chanted a Mantra and shot an arrow. The arrow multiplied to 100 arrows suddenly and killed many soldiers. She looked towards Santosh and Haseena. Santosh pushed her sword hard on the ground. The force caused a big earthquake which killed many soldiers. Haseena lifted her trident  in the air and brought a big wave of a tsunami that killed 1,000 soldiers. 

Karishma chanted a Mantra and shot an arrow that turned into a venomous snake and its poison killed many soldiers. Suddenly, an arrow came from nowhere  and cut a mark on Karishma's arm. It was a poisonous arrow Karishma shout in pain.

Santosh- Haseena go to Karishma. I am quite busy.

Haseena while fighting 100 soldiers at once rushed to Karishma who was bleeding a lot now.

Haseena- Wait Karishma .. I am taking out the celestial medicine.

Haseena chanted a Mantra and a bowl appeared in her hand with a white liquid inside. She applied the medicine over Karishma's wound and within a second the wound disappeared.

Karishma while getting up- Thankyou Haseena !

However the poison didn't go fully and Karishma was having trouble shooting she frequently lost the grip of her bow while shooting. Nothing bad happened until a soldier shot a sharp- edged arrow at her. Karishma aimed to counterattack with the arrow but she lost her control over her arm and the arrow went somewhere. The arrow came nearby Karishma froze over her chariot and closed her eyes, preparing for the worst. But then the next time she opened her eyes and saw that Santosh was before her. She looked at Santosh in horror. From Santosh's stomach, was a stream of reddish liquid flowing an arrow protruding from it.

Santosh had just leapt before Karishma and got shot by the arrow.

Santosh- Y..You would h- have Done it f.. for me !! and fainted. 

Karishma looked at Santosh who was unconsicous Karishma's brain was blank of shock she hardly gathered her senses and shouted 

Karishma- Haseena ! hand me the celestial medicine now.

Then, she shot an arrow that made an invisible shield around the three so that no arrow could harm them while they try to save Santosh.

Haseena hurried to Karishma and Santosh and looked at Santosh's wound .

Haseena- It's too deep Karishma! The nurse must see him before it's late.

Haseena brought Santosh to the Nurse while Karishma fought the battle and managed to defeat the army and hurried to Santosh.

Nurse- She is alright now ! You can talk too him.

Haseena came inside and sat beside Santosh and slowly opened her eyes 

Santosh- Hey shocked to see me faint?

Karishma - I was.. Are you Ok now?

The two friends talked for hours until Karishma got called by the Monk.

Monk- You three have passed the test and I must say, I am proud of you three.

Max- But we got injured.

Monk- The test was not only for bravery but also to judge the teamwork and friendship and whenever one got injured the other saved her.

Karishma realized that and grinned.

Monk- Karishma! I want you to visit the Prophecy Teller.

Karishma was perplexed but shook her head- then after 3 days when Santosh was alright, the Worthy Three set out to visit the Prophecy Teller.


Thankyou please enjoy and like and comment 

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