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Me and Arin arrived back at my place after he finished changing. He was nervous about the whole double date thing as he was worried that he would be exposed as a cross-dressing pervert if anyone found out. I was sitting at the couch trying to find something to watch when he sat beside me and layed his head on my shoulder as we cuddled up together.

"What if anyone finds out I'm a guy?" he asked nervously as huddled even closer to me

"No one will find out, trust me. You already look like a girl even without a dress and make-up.

"No I don't! I look like a very manly man alright?" He stated as he flexed his arm, revealing a small barely visible cute muscle.

"Sure, manly man." I chuckled as I looked at my phone to see who just texted me.

"Who is it?" Arin asked as he peered at the device

"Todd, he's saying the double date will be on Sunday and that we get to choose the location." I answered as I put my phone away.

"Sunday?? But that's just 2 days from now!" He shouted as he panicked

"Ooo yea, that's not a lot of time to buy you a skirt and a wig." I said while turning off the tv realizing there's nothing good to watch right now

"That means we only have tomorrow to prepare right?" he asked as he hurriedly got up looking all panicked

"Relax, I know a mall nearby where we can probably get everything we need. We can go tomorrow." I said as I took out my phone to google the address

"I'll text you the address, here." I said as I sent the message

"Thanks a lot David." he said, calming down a bit

"No problem." I replied nonchalantly

"Not just for this but for always having my back and listening to my worries too." He said as he approached me and gave me a big hug

"Hey, what are boyfriends for." I replied as I hugged him back

"Anyways, I need to get home and prepare some stuff." he said as he stopped hugging me and tidied up his belongings

"You don't want to stay for dinner first?" I asked a bit disappointed that he won't be staying longer

"No, I need to prepare some stuff for tomorrow and Sunday." he said as he opened the door to the exit.

"Sure" I said with a dejected tone

"Hey, we'll see each other again tomorrow alright?" He reassured, trying to comfort me

"I know, I just hate it whenever you leave." I admitted as I walked to the door and gave him a kiss on the lips

"Well, I hate leaving too but I really need to prepare some things so that everything will go smoothly." he reinforced

"So what time do you want to meet up?" he asked as he was just about to leave

"Let's meet at 9 around the north entrance of the mall. The one by the coffee shop." I answered as he agreed and left after we kissed for one last time.

'I miss him already' I thought as I saw him leave as he got further and further. I only went back inside when I couldn't see him anymore. I layed on the couch and ate some leftover pizza from yesterday and played some video games before deciding to sleep.
It was hard for me to wake up as I stayed late playing video games. I thought that I had some time left but soon found out that was not the case as I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 9. I quickly panicked as I got up and quickly got dressed and left in a hurry.

The Boy A Life AwayWhere stories live. Discover now