T-rex vs Triceratops/Flocking This Way

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While Rexy was busy scaring humans out of her territory, Kratos had gone off on a hunt a few hours ago, to compensate for a meal that he didn't get to finish back home. Knowing how much meat was needed to regain the body mass that he lost, Kratos decided to hunt down one of the most dangerous herbivores of the Late Cretaceous Period: Triceratops Horridus, which means "three horned face", thundering through the trees as the T-rex began bellowing loudly, continuing forward.

The bull Tyrannosaurus makes his way to enclosure where he comes across a herd of various Hadrosaur species, eventually breaking in, to hopefully catch a meal for himself to make up for his temporary lack of food, his footsteps echoing through the area.

As Kratos aggressively lunges at the one closest to him in his proximity, the herd began to wake up with a start and run away in a panicked huff. The albino T-rex was very irritated by this and decided to go help Rexy chase off any humans that may have invaded her territory.

Elsewhere, Jurassic Park's chief veterinarian, Dr. Gerry Harding and his daughter Jess were caught in the middle of a fight between Rexy and the alpha Triceratops, Lady Margaret. Dr. Harding and Jess managed to rescue a poisoned and unconscious Nima from their damaged jeep and prepared to run to the maintenance shed, when they felt the ground vibrate which brought Rexy and Margaret's battle to a sudden halt.

While the two dinosaurs were distracted, Gerry and Jess made a beeline for the maintenance shed, just in time to see the source of the thumping steps come running into view as the two titans went back to fighting; Kratos, having heard the sound of Rexy roaring at Lady Margaret earlier, had thought that the female was in trouble and rushed to the scene while Gerry and Jess shut the maintenance door and locked it up tightly.

As soon as he saw Lady Margaret trying to stab Rexy with her horns, Kratos glared at the Triceratops as he charged forward, bellowing angrily at the three-horned herbivore.

Rexy's P.O.V

What is he doing here? I thought he went off to hunt. Wait... He's glaring at my prey. No, I may like Kratos, but I won't let him have my food so easily. I stepped up to defend what was rightfully mine, but Kratos ran right past me. At first, I thought he may have been chasing something and it was leading him right to me. But then I hear the sound of my quarry bellowing in pain. I turn to see that the newcomer was pulling the Triceratops away from me, and there was immense anger in his eyes. I watched as Kratos lifted up the Triceratops with incredible strength and throws it against a tree. The next thing I know, he's standing in front of me protectively while roaring angrily at my intended target.


Normal P.O.V

Lady Margaret charged at Kratos, hoping to drive her horns into his stomach or at least try to scare him off. But the bull Tyrannosaur side steps and bites down on her neck before pulling her away from Rexy.

Lady Margaret tries to break free, but Kratos was too strong, and he would not release the struggling Triceratops; Kratos was determined to make Lady Margaret pay the price for trying to hurt Rexy. Fueled by immense rage, the albino bull Tyrannosaurus bites down with his full force and crushes the ceratopsian's neck vertebrae before ripping its head clean off.

Rexy smiled. She was impressed to see the skills that Kratos had used to battle the Triceratops. The bull Tyrannosaurus dropped the Triceratops's severed head and turns to see the female Tyrannosaurus approaching him.

"I have to admit, you almost gave me quite a scare back there. I thought for sure that you were gonna attack me. But instead, you showed a great deal of prowess in taking down this Triceratops. And alongside of that, you saved me from being blindsided by her horns. Thank you." Rexy said, as she smiled affectionately at the male.

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