The Lost World: Jurassic Park Arc #2

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Elsewhere, at a bar in Mombassa, a man in orange, from top to bottom, had arrived on the scene. The man with the hat was Roland Tembo, who was sitting idly by, as everyone began to chit chat their usual business.

He immediately knew who this man was next to him, or behind him, perhaps.

"AJ." Roland pointed out, turning his attention behind him.

"Oh, how did you know?"

AJ chuckled as the two men embrace one another in a brotherly hug, before sitting down and talking about what will soon bestow upon them.

"That cheap aftershave I send you every Christmas, you actually wear it? I'm touched. Sit down, sit down, what brings yo uhere to Mombassa?" Roland asked his friend.

AJ answered, "You tell me, Roland. When was the last time you answered your phone?"

Roland replied to his question.

"Last time I plugged it in, I suppose. Why?"

Behind them, a group of TOURISTS, all men, from America, supposedly, all began laughing loudly.

AJ spoke.

"I got a call from a gentleman who's going to Costa Rica, or thereabouts. If he's to be believed, it's a most, uh, unique expedition. And very well-funded."

Roland compellingly replied.

"Well, I'm a very well-funded old sonuvabitch. You go."

"But alone? We've always had great success together, you and I." AJ answered, hoping to convince him to tag along.

"Just a little too much, I think." Roland cooly replied.

"How do you mean?" asked AJ.

"A true hunter doesn't mind if the animal wins, if it escapes. But there weren't very many escapes from you and I, AJ. I've decided to spend a little less time in the company of death. Maybe I just feel too close to it my--"

Roland turns to look as the waitress comes to the tourists table, and the most obnoxious tourist actually paws her from behind.

Roland is out of his chair in a second.
"Excuse me."

He comes face to face with the most obnoxious tourist.

"You, sir -- are no gentleman."

The tourist retorts.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"I can think of none greater. Except for this one: Which way to the Living Without a Brain Seminar? Don't be late." Roland cooly answered.

The tourist looks at his buddies next to him, and laughed.

"Buzz off, you silly old bastard."

Roland then made a comeback of his own. "What do I have to do to pick a fight with you, bring your mother into it?"

"Are you kidding? I could take you with one arm tied down." He replied cockily and smugly.

"Really? Is that so?" the badass Roland replied back.

In the middle of the bar, the waitress finished tying the man's wrist to his belt in the back of his pants with a napkin. She pulls the knot tight, and the man turns around.

It's Roland with his arm tied down. The tourist stands across from him. The tourist stands across from him.

"I meant my hand."

Roland punches him square in the jaw.

The tourist reels, stunned. Enraged, he lunges at Roland, swinging both arms. Roland bobs, neatly ducking the punches. But before Roland could strike back, the tourist's wrist was caught by another man. It was a younger man in his early twenties with blue eyes, and hair as black as night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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