Chapter Four

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Lt. Colby Castillon was brought back to the throne room from his memories when King Jason announced that they would reconvene in the morning to discuss further military actions for the impending invasion of the Gizar Empire. As Lt. Colby went into his quarters to get some sleep for tomorrow, the only thing that was plaquing his mind tonight was his beautiful princess.

In the following early hours of the morning, in the war room near the king's chambers, all were gathered around the table with documents, maps, and latest information about Drogo's army scattered about the table talking amongst each other while waiting for the king's arrival to report the plan of action. Then they hear the king's attendant knock on the door and announce king Jason's arrival. They all stood up from their seats and spoke at once, "Your majesty." King Jason walked to his seat at the head of the table and turned to speak to everyone. "Gentlemen, you may sit, we have a lot to discuss."

Everyone sat down, then the king spoke once again, "Gentlemen I have something to tell you that happen last night after we left the throne room." That got everyone's attention, and looked towards their king. He coughed and continued, " As you are all aware the Gizar Empire plans to invade our homeland to expand their empire. In order for our people to be safe we must unite with the Yuiryn Empire in marriage with my daughter Annabelle and their prince Darien. Princess has until the end of this week to make her decision of this proposal by Privy Council." He lets out a sad sigh, " I know this is not her wish and I will not influence her decision on this. I want her to come to this choice herself as if she was already queen of this kingdom, and must make the choice for herself and for her people. However, I will give my thoughts on the matter if she chooses to hear my opinion on this matter of uniting in marriage. After I had left the throne room with you all last night; I had received word that Prince Darien of the Yuiryn Empire will coming here in 2 days to help out no matter of the outcome of the princess decision." There was silence in the room of this news and the generals began to whisper amongst themselves.

King Jason stood up from his chair and spoke once more, "Gentlemen, I know this must come as a shock to us all, but we must find an alternative solution to this matter in case Princess Annabelle declines this marriage proposal. I hope you fine brave men were able to come with a solution. I would like to hear from General of the royal navy, Sargent Nelson first on his thoughts of this matter then we will go counter-clockwise ending with Lt. Colby." King Jason sat back down in his chair then Sargent Nelson stood up and bowed his head to the king. "Your Majesty, I thank you for that information you had shared with us today." He looked across the room amongst his other comrades as he spoke, "Your Majesty, I think speak for all of us here in this room, that we are hoping that the princess will make the right choice and marry Prince Darien. We say this because the Yuiryn Empire has military equipment that we do not yet have in our possessions to use. The Yuiryn Empire is best known for their state-of-the-art military equipment."

Sargent Nelson turns toward the king and says, "I am very aware of the princess dislike of an arranged marriage, but for the sake of the safety of our people, we ask of her to agree to the privy council decision to unite with the Yuiryn Empire. In addition to, Prince Darien's future arrival we as the army of the Kingdom of Casentino, will prove protection while he is in our kingdom, even though we know how much he deplores it, but with the situation with the Gizar Empire impending invasion, for his safety. We ask you, your majesty for him to accept our protection." Sargent Nelson sits back down, and King Jason replied, "Every well then, once Prince Darien arrives, I will discuss this with him. Lt. Colby what do you think about all this, and especially you are the closest to the princess." 

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