Chapter Eight

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Inside the throne room everyone waited for the queen and princess' arrival, then there was a knock and Sara spoke behind the door. " All rises! Her Majesty the Queen Dahlia and Her Highness princess Annabelle." The door opens and everyone bows and curtsying to the royal family entering the room, the queen and the princess makes their way to were the king is sitting in his throne. As they got closer to the king, he got up to greet them a top of the throne stand, and laughs to his queen says, "I thought I was late and you were here waiting on me, but turns out I am waiting you my dear." She snubs him, "One is never late love, we simply took longer than expected with this meeting preparation, and your daughter needs our support in this matter. We will talk later about my so-called tardiness." They walk in hand to their thrones and Annabelle stays behind in front of them to address the room. Once the king and queen are settled in their thrones, the king speaks, "Gentlemen of the royal army and the privy council we have received word that princess Annabelle wishes to speak to us today. My darling daughter you may have the floor."

She turns towards her father and mother and is curtsying and smiles at them then faces back to the front of the front of the room. " Esteemed generals, esteemed council members of the Kingdom of Casentino. I, your Princess, heir to the throne, wish to inform you all of the decision of the proposal of marriage to Prince Darien of the Yuiryn Empire. I have though long and hard on this matter, and I would like to inform you..." she pauses to catch her breath and gather her strength and looks toward where Lt. Colby is standing, and pick back up with no emotion in her eyes, "I accept the marriage proposal to Prince Darien, but I have one condition I would like to add." Sargent Nelson spoke up "Your Highness, what condition you speak of." Princess Annabelle replies back, "I wish to be married in a month time before Emperor Drogo's army reaches our shores. I am very aware in is short notice, but we cannot waste anymore time for this impending war soon approaches us. I will like an audience with prince Darien with the privy council when he arrives to let him know of this new information of the wedding and to start planning the wedding as well." The head council member stepped forward and spoke to her, "Yes, Your Highness considers it done. We will begin writing out a peace treaty between our king and their empire for you and Darien to sign at your wedding my lady." She nods to him. She turns back to her father and mother, " Father, Mother I would like add something else as well if I may." They turned towards each other and with confused looks and turned back and nodded to their to continue. " When Darien and I wed in a month time, we shall come together as one nation under the Yuiryn Empire for the safety our people and to import their resource that we need from them that we do not yet possess in our kingdom and visa versa." King Jason was speechless that his beloved daughter came up with the idea all on her own. He wonders what caused her to change her mind on arranged marriages.    

Lt. Colby was shocked from what the princess had told everyone in the throne room, and he was lost in his mind thinking, 'Why did she agree so willingly! How can she? Why! I love her! Can't she tell that I love her, and I know I didn't say aloud but suggestion says it all! I will bury these feelings and get over them and by order of the king I must see that this marriage goes through and carry our dead love with me always, for I cannot love her publicly because I am not a royal by blood. I must obey my oath and protect the future queen and king.' With that resolve in his mind he silently leaves the room, so no one notices his absent presence in the room, but someone did, that person was who he held close to his heart.   

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