Chapter Five

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Lt. Colby nods to the king, and stands from his chair and speaks to his comrades, " Your Majesty, gentlemen, I have no so say of what the princess will do, but however I hope that she will think hard about this matter before coming to you with her decision. I also think that she must accept the privy council's proposal of uniting by marriage, even though she is displeased by an arranged marriage. She must marry prince Darien." Not knowing that they were beginning listening to one curious princess. 

Lt. Colby continued, "It is best for our kingdom to unite with the Yuiryn Empire, as Sargent Nelson said earlier, they have better military equipment for this impending war then we do. If we as a kingdom, go to war with Drogo's army, pardon me for saying this your majesty, but we will not win this war. We need prince Darien's empires help if we want to win this war. I fear that if we went in with our army without their help; our people will be in danger of whatever Emperor Drogo's evilness will do to them, no doubt he will kill the current royal family, and keep Princess Annabelle as his mistress." 

The room got loud with the recent statement that Lt. Colby had made, to quiet down his generals, King Jason stood up and shouted, "Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Please simmer it down! Calm yourselves! Lt. Coby I will pardon you this once for those words, but those words need to be heard for the ugly side of this matter. Now we will come back together to this room when Prince Darien arrives in 2 days' time. We will hear his side of this matter until Princess Annabelle makes her decision, please make sure we strengthen the security of the castle and around the island, and keep watchout for Drogo's army. Lt. Colby you will have the first watch of the castle, I will inform Annabelle that her new bodyguard will be Private Henson until further notice. Until then gentlemen, we will discuss this later."

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