[ 04 ] SHAME

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"You're smiling pretty hard," I commented to Trey as I made my way towards my locker room cubby. He didn't respond to me so I paused and playfully kicked his jutted out legs as he sat on a bench. "This woman must be your favorite." Again, I didn't get a response, so I pushed his back with my helmet to irritate him.

He groaned and pushed his head against the helmet that I held in my arms. "Man, why are you so focused on my smiling? I can't be happy?"

"Not this happy after you just got your ass handed to you on the field. Instead of leading offence, you're grinning ear to ear at your phone." I packed my cubby with my battered pair of cleats. I needed to switch the old shoes out, however, I'd been too preoccupied with my studies, reuniting with Tosha and my family to remember.

He sucked his teeth at my remark. "Alright, Coach. This tattoo has been killing my body and is taking forever to heal. I'm itchy like a motherfucker and got a lot on my mind. The game can wait." Trey sat his phone on his lap after sending one last message and then grabbed the hair tie off of his wrists and pulled all of his locs into a bun at the top of his head.

"Homecoming is in a few weeks. I'm not judging you, but we need you in the game or else all of our asses are done for out there." I told him.

I'm not sure where his head has been the past few days, but he's been distracted. That says a lot coming from me as I'd been so wrapped up in my own problems with my family and seeking reconciliation with Tosha.

As I grabbed my towel to head to the showers, he spoke. "What are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

I paused at his words and shrugged. "Not sure yet. Matty just got into the rehab center and Gramps is still being closely monitored. Nana sent an invite to my father to head over to her ranch on the west side of town but everything is still on the fence. Why you asked?"

He shrugged casually as he got another text message. "Moms been asking about you and Jabari wants to get his lick back from last year when you whooped his ass in Sledgehammer 2."

I chuckled at Jabari, Trey's little brother, believing he was ever going to beat me at that video game. I'd gone over to Trey's family Thanksgiving dinner last year and went to war with his brother in a very intense game on the PS4. I thoroughly enjoyed being around their family and always felt welcomed and loved. However, I wasn't too sure if I'd be celebrating with them this year as my Nana did inform my father that she might've been holding a gathering at her ranch for thanksgiving.

"He got his ass kicked last year in that game. Little man is resilient, I'll give 'em that." I said jokingly. "But yeah, plans for thanksgiving are still up in the air as I'm not too sure what my parents are planning on doing."

Trey went back to texting. "A'ight, I'm gonna let Moms know but hit me back if anything man. You know how she gets when she doesn't see people for a while,"

"Yeah, I got you, though and I appreciate it. Thanks for looking out." I exclaimed.

Trey's mom had always opened her home to me. When I was seeking an escape from my own family's antics and drama, his mother invited me in and allowed me to be there as much as I liked. She was also a really good cook and told funny stories about Trey and Jabari when they were younger.

"I'm gonna wash up and get going before visiting hours at the rehab center stop. See you at the house?" I questioned before walking off. I planned on going to the rehabilitation facility where Matty was being held to check in on him. I'd told myself that although a lot of information had been exposed to my family in such a short span of time, things shouldn't remain broken as they were. It seemed as if that was the constant pattern within my life. Broken relationships and constant drama. I no longer wanted to be around such chaos and simply wanted peace.

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