Chapter Ten

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The Saltwater Maximum Security Prison was composed of several brick buildings, three dorms, a main hall, and another building for death row and solitary confinement, all surrounding the massive rec yard. The entire facility was surrounded by various rows of razor wire fencing and several imposing guard towers. Everything between the outside of the razor wire all the way to the parking lot and in any direction was flat and clear of any brush. Even if someone could escape, getting past the walls and fences, there was nowhere for them to hide from the guards in the towers. The state sent all of their worst prisoners here.

"Nice." James said, leaning on the hood of his jeep. "No one is getting out of there."

"I think that's the idea." Evelyn replied, getting out of the passenger side. She straightened out her clothes and hair, checking her reflection in the mirror.

"Nervous?" James asked. She shot him a withering look, and he shrugged, looking back at the prisoner. He said nothing else for a few moments while she double checked everything they needed. She made sure they had nothing they shouldn't bring in.

"Do you have your badge?" She asked. He patted the pocket of his tan blazer where he had it hidden and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I think I'm a little nervous." He admitted. Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"Why?" she asked, picking up her briefcase off the hood of the jeep. "He can't get to us. He can't hurt us. He's just a man."

"He may be a serial killer." James said, pushing off the front of the Jeep. "He may be the answer to one of the biggest cases of our lives. I think it's natural to be at least a little nervous." Evelyn didn't respond. She nodded back at him instead, looking up at the building. The smallest shadow cast by the building was big enough to swallow her entire property. Steadying herself, she went forward and led the way. James fell into step behind her, matching her pace but staying quiet.

Checking in had been difficult as well. The officers involved had patted them down and kept their weapons, of course. They had searched Evelyn's briefcase and verified their badge numbers. Even then, they still had the officers walk through metal detectors. The warden, a stern woman named Karen Turnlip, met them on the other side. Karen was tall and thin, full of sharp edges. She had limp brown hair that she left partially up, and an expression that suggested she knew what they were going to say before they said it.

Karen introduced herself and her deputy warden, a much smaller, male version of herself with a mustache. She gave them a limp handshake and asked them about their trip before going over the rules.

"Of course you understand you can't have your weapons." She said, knowing they were already without them. "We will have you enter the interrogation room first. You will sit at the table provided and we will let you know when we are bringing in Mr. Walker. He will then be introduced to you and offered legal counsel if need be. We have someone on site, should he request it."

"This isn't that sort of interrogation." Evelyn said, but Karen didn't seem to hear her and continued on.

"You'll then be given as long as you need to interview Mr. Walker." she finished, clapping her hands together, "now! Would either of you like any coffee?"

"Please." James replied.

"Water, if you have it?" Evelyn asked. Karen nodded, and the deputy warden scurried off to get it. They lead them to the interrogation room, a plain gray room made of painted cement blocks and floors. The large, heavy table in the center of the room was bolted to the floor, and so were the benches on either side. There were no windows, only bright fluorescent lighting.

"Oh," James said, looking around, "it's very cozy, isn't it?"

"Positively charming." Evelyn agreed, going in. James gave the guards at the door a once over before going in himself. He took a seat next to Evelyn, facing the door. It wasn't long before a guard brought them their drinks.

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