Chapter Fifteen

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Evelyn wasn't at all surprised to find Benjamin Walker had put her on his visitor's list. She didn't care what his reasoning was and had zero intention of letting it get to her. As she heard the heels of the warden approaching, she emptied her pockets and looked up. She hadn't expected to see her and wondered how strict the visitation was on Walker, with James watching it. She had told no one she was coming, merely left a note for Diana on the fridge in case they had to reach her. Anything else would have had them trying to stop her from going.

"Are you here in a professional capacity, Officer Waters?" she asked. "I wasn't told the police department had been planning on any kind of interviews today."

"No." Evelyn replied, "this is a personal call." She looked back over her shoulder as she crossed through the metal detectors. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Not at all." The warden replied, looking a bit confused.

"Okay, good." Evelyn replied. She put her shoulders back and turned, following the guard down the hallway toward the visitation area. She heard the warden telling another guard to pull a few more men and put them in the visitation area. The call came over the radio a few moments later, loud and clear. The guard who was leading the way looked back apologetically. "It's okay." Evelyn said, "I get it. He murdered my mother." She looked into the visitation room- something like a large cafeteria- as the woman unlocked the door. "Just do me a favor?"

"What's that?" the officer asked. Evelyn glanced at her and winked before going in.

"If he tries to attack me? Give me a few seconds to get a few good licks in." The woman laughed and swung the door open, letting her inside. Another guard led her to a smaller table after having her sign in once more, going over every single possible rule they could have. A few more people filtered in while Evelyn waited, each of them getting the same treatment. There was an older lady there to see her son. A family came in as well, a mother and two sheepish looking children. A military man was next, and two women who were seated separately for different inmates. Evelyn watched them for a few moments, convinced they were high. The prisoners were brought in. It took all of Evelyn's self-control not to gasp when the elderly woman full on kissed the young man seated in front of him, tongue and all. The guard broke it up. Walker sat down in front of her, blocking the view, and Evelyn focused in on him instead.

"No bodyguard?" He asked, looking around.

"I don't need a bodyguard, Walker." Evelyn replied, leaning on the table. "Besides, I'm not here on a professional call. This is personal."

"Oh?" He asked, lifting his cuffed hands to scratch his chin while he watched her. Something told Evelyn he'd moved so fast to see if she would flinch, so she smirked instead. He grinned and lowered his hands. "Got some questions for me, then? I always knew this day would come."

"Shut up, Walker." Evelyn replied, "I have questions and you owe me answers, if nothing else."

"Seems fair." He replied. "I'll see what I can do."

"I'm going to get right to it." Evelyn said, "how did you know my mother had these dreams?"

"How did I know?" He echoed, grinning. "I knew because she told me, Evelyn. She was my friend."

"Friends don't murder friends." Evelyn countered. "What did she tell you?"

"Everything." he replied. "she told me everything. She told the police, too." Evelyn filed the statement away for later. There were no mentions of her mother in any of the files other than her murder. She would have noticed. "Why aren't you in uniform?" he asked, leaning forward. His eyes sparkled and a grin spread across his face. "Are you being bad, Evelyn?" he asked. "They're watching my visitor's logs, you know."

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