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Shoto's pov
"It'll be ok I promise." The greenette says hugging shinso. He's so adorable. "Deku..." Bakugo says softly as the greenette turns his head him. "Bring him." He says walking away. "Come on shinso." He says following after the blonde shortly and I decide to follow the three.

"What are you doing here icyhot?" Bakugo asks. "I'm in charge of midoriya by order of aizawa." I say making a fake excuse. "Tch." He grunts before letting me in his room. "Place him on my bed." He says to midoriya and midoriya complies. "Hm he's asleep." I comment. "He probably needs it he has very dark eyebags hinting he hasn't gotten sleep in god knows how long." Midoriya says.

"Whats been up with you lately?" I ask bakugo. "What do you mean?" He asks. "You've been calmer and you're kinda like a therapist now." I comment. "I'm not a fucking therapist. Im just happy I guess." He yells before getting quieter noticing shinso's stir.

"Alright I need help on the math homework deku are you up for it." He asks. "Why not ask me?" I ask. "Fine icyhot do you wanna help me with the math homework." He asks again. "Sure bakugo I would love to." I answer grinning widely.
Once we finished the homework we all scattered across his room and began watching a horror movie. I'm laying on the carpeted floor and bakugo's sitting on a bean bag in the corner of the room, midoriya's on the bed lying down next to shinso hugging him every so often.

This is nice,it feels like a family. We're now halfway into the movie and midoriya is knocked out and bakugo has paused the movie. "Finally." I hear him sigh out. "Hm?" I hum turning my attention away from the tv and towards him. "Midoriya barely sleeps so I know those two really needed it." He says a content smile on his face.

"So what are you gonna do now?" I ask. "I'm probably gonna cook for Izuku. He's such a gremlin when he wakes up and there's no food." He says nodding his head in the direction of midoriya. "Can I help?" I ask. "Sure why not." He says already getting up. I open the door the find his sister standing there with her hand poised to knock.

"Have you seen izuku?" She asks. "Yeah he's in here sleeping why?" I answer. "Oh he's asleep? Thanks for putting him to sleep he hasn't slept for the past week." She admits and I nod. "Can you tell him to come see me after he wakes up?" She asks. "Sure." Bakugo says walking past her. "Thanks!" She runs off.

I go to follow bakugo downstairs but suddenly get pulled into a room. "Wha- Mina?" I ask seeing her and all the other girls sitting in her room. "Are you falling in love?" She asks squealing. "I have no idea what your talking about we're just friends." I say geniunely confused but feeling my face heat up a little. "I think he is!" Ochaco squeals. "I'm not!" I say the corners of my mouth tilting upwards before I leave as quick as possible. "He totally is!" I hear jiro say and start chuckling to myself.

"Took you long enough" The blond greets. "What are you making?" I ask. "Katsudon cause I know izuku likes that,  I just have no clue what shinso likes." He admits focusing on his pot. "I'll cook food for shinso its ok." I say heading over to get ingredients to make shinso's favorite food. "Ok." He says and we begin working quietly in the kitchen asking each other for ingredients every so often.
Izuku's pov
"Nn~" I yawn waking up from my dream to find shinso hugging me tightly and my stomach rumbling. I smile softly at him. "Shinso~" I say pinching his cheek softly making him stir. "Five more minutes izuku." He yawns out making me giggle. "No~ I'm hungry." I whine making him groan and finally get up. "Where are the other two?" He asks groggily. "Lets go find out!" I say jumping off the bed and grabbing his arm pulling him along.

"Good afternoon sleepyheads." Kacchan says from the kitchen. "Hi kacchan!" I say running into the kitchen and jumping into his arms. "I smell katsudon." I smile sniffing the pot. "Yes its your's." Kacchan answers as if reading my mind. "Shinso don't you dare sleep on that table." Todoroki says from beside me. "But I'm tired." He trails off groggily. "Oh thats too bad I made you soy-glazed eggplant donburi." The shorter male returns making the taller shoot up from his seat. "I'm up can I please get my food now?" He says making the other chuckle.

"Here." He says dishing out his food. "Kacchan~" I whine. "Oh sorry nerd I zoned out for a second." He says turning back to the pot and grabbing a plate. He dishes out my food and I take the plate sitting down next to hitoshi at the island as the two older males lean against the counter with content smiles on their faces.

Everything was perfect like a happy little family.
Bakugo's pov
I was standing in the kitchen watching the two of them eat but I was mainly focused on deku when lightning starts crackling around him. "Dunce face turn off your quirk." I say to the air. "Thats not me!" He yells back from upstairs. "Its izuku." Hitoshi says making him look up. "Hm?" He says just finally noticing the lightning.

"Kacchan-" He sobs his eyes galzing over with tears. "Shh its ok izuku its gonna be ok I promise." He says. "Kaminari get down here!" Eyebags yells and I hear footsteps coming down. "Woah thats so cool." He says noticing deku and we all shoot him a glare. "Its not cool we need your help." Todoroki says.

"Oh right um is this your first time getting this quirk?" He asks him and he nods. "Mm well there's literally nothing I could do when you first get this quirk you have to wait for it to sketch its self onto you." He explains. "Thats why I have a lightning bolt in my hair it'll choose wherever it wants to go and make its mark there for now the most you can do for him is try to keep him calm." He explains fidgeting with his hands.

I look from where dunce face was standing to the two other boys in the kitchen then back to izuku, and I can tell we all have the thought going through our minds. You have to get through this izuku.

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