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Yn Enid and Wednesday got in to there cat outfit and got in there boats ready to go (bianca) I am going to win (yn) owh shut it siren head  (professor weems) let the race commence (and the race started)  the sirens were in the lead followed by cats and clowns (Wednesday) paddle faster (Enid) yn we we get to land run as fast as you can to the flag ok (yn) ok (they get to the island along with the sirens and clowns (Enid) yn run run (yn sprinting off and she grabbed the flag running back (Enid scratches both the other teams boats (Wednesday) cumon let's go (they start to paddle and the sirens over take them using there powers to controll a mermaid to pull the boats back yn pulls out a knife and stabbed the side of bianca's boat causing it to flud and sink.) (Professor weems) and we have our winners (yn/Enid/Wednesday) yaay we did it we one (Enid) let's go change (Wednesday/yn) ye (larissa) yn a word (yn) yes dear (larissa) wear that cat costume tonight dear for a special reward. (Yn) what kind of reward (larissa) a spicy one now run along with your friends  (Enid) yn cumon (yn) don't love your head I am right hear (yn Enid and Wednesday change before going to the library to have a party and celebrate there victory.

larissa weems x yn Where stories live. Discover now