Thomas x sibling!reader

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A/N: This isn't mine hope you enjoy :) Oh and credit to the author its great
This is part one


You were cold when your eyes flickered open.

Cold, sore, and alone.

And, if that swirling, sick feeling in your stomach had anything to say about it, you were scared.

A scared Shelby… who could’ve known?

It was also terribly dark, and dank, and a musty smell of decay was stuffed in your nose like a tissue.

A sudden bolt of pain shot through your skull and you groaned, clapping a hand to the back of your head and squeezing your eyes shut as though, with the passing of a miracle, it would drown the pain out.

It didn’t.

And when you pulled your hand away, the feeling of something wet and sticky coated your fingers. It was too dark to see, but you knew it was blood. You’d never experienced such pain before without blood.

Licking your dry lips, you let your head fall slowly back against the wall, fingers raking against the damp, gravelly floor in a silent plea for any type of relief, and swallowed thickly, trying to keep your emotions under check.

Where the fuck were you?

Where were your brothers? Polly? Ada?

As far as you could tell, you were in a rotting room, no light at all, the only sound being the pounding of your heart and the occasional drip, drip, of what must’ve been a broken pipe or something in a corner of… wherever you were.

Instinct yelled at you to get up and search your surroundings as best you could... look for any sign which may tell you where you were and how to get out. But pure fear won over – it always did – and ordered you to stay put, shivering in the cold air and the pain, and just pray. Pray for anything. Pray for anyone.

Because Tommy wasn’t coming to save you.


“I think that chair’s a little big for you.”

You spun around on said chair the moment those words reached your ears, eyes locking onto Tommy’s from where he was just walking into his office. He smiled lightly before shedding his coat and hat, hanging them on the hook on the door.

“Then maybe you should get a bigger one,” you suggested, nevertheless you hopped off your brother’s seat when he rounded his desk to sit down.

He chuckled and shook his head fondly, a glimmer of a frown dusting his face when he reached to tug you onto his lap but found you dodging his hands and instead rushing to sit in the chair opposite him. “I need to speak to you about something,” you told him completely seriously.

Tommy blinked. He reached for the pack of cigarettes next to the phone on his desk and pulled one out. “Alright.”

“I-” You hesitated, folding your hands on your lap and sitting up straight- “I’ve been thinking recently about… about the part I play in the family business.”

Tommy subconsciously straightened, too. He rose both eyebrows, taking a puff of his cigarette. “Have you, now?”

“Yeah. I think- no, I know that I can do more.” You nodded assertively, yet your mind was racing. You’d been thinking over how you were going to approach this subject for a while, now, and yet nothing had seemed good enough, so, that morning, you’d decided to just go for it.

“Really? How much more?” He looked at you with sheer curiosity shining in his eyes, though, really, he was wondering how this conversation could at all end positively. If he knew you, and he knew you well, you were going to ask for exactly what he’d hoped you’d never ask for, and then he was going to say no, and you would get in a fit, and the both of you would avoid each other for the next however long it took to reconcile.

°•Multifandom Imagines and Preference•°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora