Silentmoon's Adventure Ch. 1

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As the ShadowClan Deputy wakes up in the middle of the night, he checks his wounds and happily sees that they are healing up from his skirmish with some traders. He gets up on wobbly legs and starts to carefully stretch. When he finishes he starts to walk out of his camp. He exits carefully and pads around slowly, relaxed. After he walks a good distance from the camp he takes a deep breath and scents something familiar, something dreaded to all the Clans. Just as he turns around, Silentmoon sees the creature.

With it's russet colored fur, the dreaded scent he caught belongs to none other than a fox. Foxes were feared by all clans because they would kill cats to eat if they were hungry. Or they would attack cats if they were intruding on their territory. In a confusing turn of events, the fox walks backwards into the darkness. It either had not seen Silentmoon or was ignoring him, but the Deputy didn't know. Feeling puzzled at the fox's actions, he follows the fox into the darkness. Only to find that it has disappeared, but it wasn't exactly a relief.

Silentmoon parts his jaws again only to realize that there is only the normal scents of the forest. Confusion washes over him as he slowly makes his way towards the lake to clear his head. When he reaches the lake he looks out over the lake and to the other territories. ThunderClan to the left and their huge oak trees, RiverClan to the right with some trees and main streams and rivers. WindClan across the lake with their rolling hills and wide open expanses, while ShadowClan had pine trees to cover their territory and some marshy areas.

As a slight breeze blows in and makes ripples in the lake, Silentmoon tries to relax the sight of the lake calming him as it always has. He decides to head back towards the camp, and reaches it by the time the sun is starting to rise. The Deputy pads into the camp and sees that his clanmates are just starting to wake up and getting ready to go on patrols. The dawn patrol is just about to leave when they see Silentmoon.

The ShadowClan leader, Russetstar, walks over to Silentmoon, dark amber eyes filled with anger, "Where have you been? The dawn patrol has been waiting for the order to leave." she asks, almost growling.

Silentmoon replies hastily, "Sorry Russetstar, I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk, and it seems it took longer than I expected."

Russetstar gives an angry snort and says,"Just be back earlier if you go off again." When the angry she-cat pads away, Silentmoon lets out a quiet sigh of relief. I'm surprised that she wasn't harder on me, whatever I'm doing, I must be doing right.

Silentmoon strides towards the dawn patrol and nods to send them off. Then he calls together some cats for an early hunting patrol, deciding to lead the patrol himself. There was a sudden feeling of entrapment in the camp, and the grey-pelted tom had to get away from it.

He lead his hunting patrol to a normal hunting spot among ShadowClan boundaries and says, "We'll catch more prey if we split up. Darkcloud, you go with Nightwing, I'll go with Sharpclaw."

All three of them mewed their, Right's and Darkcloud and Nightwing went off. Silentmoon lead Sharpclaw a little ways away, then began searching for prey. Before long, Silentmoon and Sharpclaw both manage to catch a starling, a squirrel, and two mice. When they all met back up, Darkcloud and Nightwing had managed to catch a vole and two mice. Silentmoon purred, pleased with their hunting, "Looks like everyone in the Clan gets full bellies today!" The warriors all agreed by amused purrs and meows of amusement.

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