Silentmoon's Adventure Ch. 2

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When they returned back to camp, it was just before sun-high, and it looked as if Russetstar called a clan meeting. Silentmoon could guess what it was about. Icewish's kits, Leafkit, Flamekit, and Moonkit, were about to be apprenticed, and the ceremony was very important to the clans. It meant that they could continue the line of warriors and medicine cats. It also give them the small jobs that warriors do not like to do: such as changing the elders bedding, removing ticks from the elders, and helping to clean up the camp when it gets damaged.

When it looked as if every cat was there, Russetstar said, "Leafkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to earn your apprentice name. From this day on, until you receive your warriors name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Darkcloud, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You had received excellent training from Weaselspeck, and you have shown yourself to be courageous and an excellent hunter. I expect you to pass these qualities onto Leafpaw."

Everyone chanted Leafpaw's name and she ducked her head, licking her chest fur in embarrassment. "Leafpaw! Leafpaw!"

When the chanting calmed down, the leader went on, "Flamekit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to earn your apprentice name. From this day on, until you receive your warriors name, you will be known as Flamepaw. Witheredfern you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Birchwind, and you have shown yourself to be kind-hearted and a great fighter. I expect you to pass these qualities onto Flamepaw."

As the clan yowled Flamepaw's name, he puffed his chest out in pride. "Flamepaw! Flamepaw!"

And when the chanting calmed down she said"Moonkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to earn your apprentice name. From this day on, until you receive your warriors name, you will be known as Moonpaw. Silentmoon you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Ivyspeck, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and a very intelligent, and i expect you to pass these qualities onto Moonpaw."Silentmoon dipped his head down to touch noses with Moonpaw, which he was a little too eager for and accidentally banged his head against Silentmoon's. It stung a little but they tried again and this time correctly. Silentmoon heard purrs of amusement all around him but he tried not to get embarrassed.

Everyone chanted Moonpaw's name and he looked very proud. "Moonpaw! Moonpaw!"

When the chanting died down Russetstar says "That is all return to your normal duties."

When everything dies down the new apprentices have gathered together and Silentmoon overhears Leafpaw saying "Wow Moonpaw your so lucky, you got the Clan Deputy as your mentor" and a hush from Darkstripe silenced that.

Moonpaw padded over to Silentmoon and asked "Where are we going to go first? Can we go now? Are we going hunting first or Battle Training?"

Silentmoon felt flustered and simply replied "All in good time, but for now, how about exploring the territory?"

Silentmoon's apprentice looked a little disappointed, but then excited and said "Ok!"

As they left the camp Silentmoon started by showing Moonpaw the lake, more to calm Silentmoon rather then amazing Moonpaw. Then after that Silentmoon showed Moonpaw the ThunderClan border, then RiverClan's. After they were done they went back to camp. By then Moonpaw was exhausted and his pelt was covered in dust. Silentmoon hasn't eaten since yesterday afternoon so Silentmoon pads over to the Fresh Kill Pile and chooses a whole squirrel for himself, Darkstripe pads over to him with a starling and purrs "Is that enough for you?"

Silentmoon just growls at him wordlessly, then continued eating his squirrel. When he is full he decides to sleep, but before he could sleep a patrol rushes into camp and yowls "ThunderClan has been in our territory!"

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