Silentmoon's Adventure Ch. 3

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All around the camp, Silentmoon heard everyone screeching in fury. He felt his own fur bristling, the borders were the most important thing to the clans, and if a rival clan crossed the borders, it meant there would be problems occurring.

Just then, Russetstar called the patrol to her to explain what happened, along with Silentmoon, the position of deputy was one step from being leader, when the leader lost their last life, then their deputy becomes leader and is granted nine lives. When Silentmoon entered Russetstar's den, he could see that every cats fur was bristling, and Russetstar asked, "Now that everyone is here, tell us what happened, Shrewclaw."

Shrewclaw opens his jaws to explain, "We were patrolling the ThunderClan border when we scented ThunderClan on our side of the border, and feathers with ThunderClan scent all over them"

Silentmoon heard a few gasps of surprise and he growled "We should send a patrol to attack one of theirs! That will teach them to hunt on our territory. Everyone knows that for a few mouse-tails ThunderClan would steal the pelt off your back."

The ShadowClan leader nods and walks out of her den then calls a meeting. Mostly everyone is already there, but she calls it anyways. When everyone is quiet she says "I need a battle patrol to ambush one of the ThunderClan patrols and teach them that we will not be stolen from."

Everyone yowls in agreement, and Russetstar looks at Silentmoon and says, will you go and pick at least 4 cats to go with you?"

Silentmoon nods in agreement and says "I will take Shrewclaw, Darkcloud, Ashpaw, Nightwing, and Sharpclaw. Are we going now or later?"

Russetstar answers "No if the patrol just got back and the scents are fresh, then their patrols will be going at dusk. That is when you will attack."

Silentmoon nods in understanding and pads towards the cats he named and said "You guys are going on the battle patrol with me" They all looked eagerly at Silentmoon and nodded.

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