Silentmoon's Adventure Ch. 8

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(Were back in the present now) When Silentmoon was awoken from his devastating memories he saw he was still in his leaders den with Nightwing and Russetstar. They were waiting patiently for him to finish his thoughts. Nightwing pushed her nuzzle into his shoulder fur comfortingly. Silentmoon savored the moment and looked at his leader and said "We should tell the patrols to look out for foxes and to not attack them immediately without at least six cats."

Russetstar nods in agreement and says "Most of the cats don't know what happened that day so we should tell them... I just hope that we don't open any sealed wounds in the ones that do remember." She dismisses them at that and they leave for the fresh kill pile. Silentmoon didn't realize that he hadn't eaten is 2 days, so his stomach gave a loud grumble which Nightwing purrs at.

She says "Looks like someone forgot to eat before giving a report" Silentmoon gives his chest a few licks of embarrassment and flicks her ear with his tail.

He picks a mouse and a vole for himself and settles near the warriors den with Nightwing. The rest of the clan that is in the clearing gives Silentmoon looks of amusement. Probably wondering what a Clan Deputy is doing eating with a pretty she-cat. Most of the clan doesn't know that Silentmoon and Nightwing were pretty much mates by now... Someone must have been spreading rumors. Silentmoon thought to himself Do i even need to ask... Darkcloud.

Silentmoon growls to Nightwing "Great we have an audience, and here i was hoping to have a nice meal without getting embarrassed" He didn't even notice at first Nightwing leaning over to give his ears a brisk lick.

After she licked Silentmoon's ears Nightwing purred "Just deal with it, you'll see, soon they won't even care about this and they will move on to a different rumor" Right after she finished talking Russetstar called together a Clan meeting.

When everyone was out of the dens they started whispering to each other about what this was all about. Russetstar did not keep them waiting long before she said "I am sure you have all heard about what happened to Silentmoon and Nightwing. They were attacked by a fox while they were hunting, and because of this every patrol will now consist of 6 cats. No apprentice will leave camp without at least two warriors with them. Also, all mentors will start teaching their apprentice's battle training, preferably defensive moves against foxes. If mentors can teach their apprentices closer to camp that would be good. The reason for this is because of what some of you already know... About what happened seasons ago." Almost as soon as Russetstar said that, Silentmoon heard gasps of terror. Some cats were confused because they weren't born when it happened, or they were too young to remember. Russetstar went on to explaining what happened seasons ago with the foxes raiding the camp.

When Russetstar finished explaining, every cat had their heads bowed down in grief. Silentmoon tried not to let his feelings overtake him again. After a few moments Russetstar said "That is the end of the meeting, Silentmoon please organize the patrols and take Moonpaw training please. I've noticed you havn't taken him out much." Silentmoon flinched at that last part. He has forgotten that he was a mentor as well. He has taken Moonpaw less than the other mentors because of his wound with the fox and the battle party.

Silentmoon sees his apprentice and pads over to him and says, "We will go on a training after i organize the patrols." Moonpaw's expression brightens up when his mentor says this.

Moonpaw says "Can we have more training sessions? The other apprentices are ahead of me. Also what are we going to do today?" Silentmoon quickly silences his apprentice before he asks too many questions, like most apprentices do.

Silentmoon responds "Yes, we can have more training sessions, and i am going to teach you how to defend against foxes." At that the eager apprentice asks no more questions. He just nods eagerly and waits impatiently to go while Silentmoon Organizes the patrols.

When Silentmoon is done with the patrols he and Moonpaw find a clearing close to camp. Silentmoon says to Moonpaw "All right, you are going to learn how to defend yourself against foxes." Moonpaw tries to hide his excitement, but not without difficulty.

When Moonpaw starts to think about how he could possibly fight a fox, Silentmoon knocks Moonpaw over with his paw and says "Do i have your attention now? First lesson, never distract yourself with thinking. Any thinking you need to do, you do before or when you are focused enough to be able to quickly come up with a strategy, during a fight." Moonpaw struggles a little to get to his feet, but quickly regains balance.

Moonpaw, frustrated, asks "Why did you do that?"

Silentmoon replies, "If i was a fox, you wouldn't have been able to think at all. If you are fighting a fox, you don't have time to think. Now, i do apologize, I didn't hold back on that blow." Silentmoon walks over to his apprentice and checks him over, slightly worried.

Moonpaw gives his mentor a slightly agitated look and says "Well, that move won't work on me twice."

Silentmoon looks at his apprentice approvingly and says "We will just have to wait and see won't we."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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