Silentmoon's Adventure Ch.5

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Silentmoon padded out of the warrior's, and as he looked out of the den he scanned the clearing, it was encased in brambles with light able to be filtered through. the medicine cat den, left of the entrance to the camp, the apprentices den, on the same side but a little farther, the warriors den, across the entrance, the leaders den, right of the warriors den, the elders den left of the warriors den, and the nursery, right of the leaders den. Its only in times of peace where he realizes how much all this means to him.

As he was scanning the clearing he was unaware that he was blocking the entrance to the warriors den so that others couldn't get out, so he was shoved forward and he fell. He looked back and the one that pushed him was Darkcloud, he purred in amusement "Sorry you were blocking the entrance."

Silentmoon got up and stretched, then said sarcastically, "That's all right, i should have been more considerate" Then Darkcloud padded off. Right after, Nightwing walked out of the den and saw Silentmoon's ruffled pelt, she ran up to him and started to clean his pelt. Silentmoon didn't know what to say, so he laid down and accepted the cleaning, sighing in comfort.

After she stopped, he looked at her and said, "Thank you, do you want to go on a hunting patrol, just you and me?"

Nightwing gave him a long look, there was some emotion in her eye that he didn't understand, although in the back of his mind a voice telling him that he knew what it was, but interrupting his thoughts he looked at her eyes were bright instead of that other emotion. She nodded and Silentmoon said "Ok give me a second to send the other patrols off and ill will be right with you."

After he finished sending the other patrols off, Silentmoon went back to Nightwing, who was grooming her pelt patiently. But before they could head off Russetstar came up to Silentmoon and asked, "Where are you going?"

Silentmoon replied with pure confusion in his voice "I am going hunting with Nightwing, is there a problem?"

Russetstar glared at Silentmoon and Nightwing, as if trying to put pieces together, then her gaze lightened, and was replaced with amusement. She purred "Ok, have fun you two, Just know we don't need kits desperately yet"

Silentmoon and Nightwing both gave extremely flustered and surprised looks then Silentmoon said quickly "What are you talking about Russetstar?! I said we were going hunting, I don't even know if- " Silentmoon didn't want to finish that sentence, and when he looked at Nightwing, he saw hurt in her eyes. Silentmoon knew he had to finish that sentence, so he closed his eyes and said "I don't even know if she likes me that much" When he opened his eyes, he looked at Nightwing's eyes and saw that emotion again, this time he thought he knew what the emotion was. Nightwing brushed her muzzle against Silentmoon's and he didn't move. After a moment she pulled back and Silentmoon looked at Russetstar, in her eyes he saw surprise and amusement.

Russetstar purred and said "Ok, off you go, don't forget that you are supposed to be hunting." But before Silentmoon could reply, she ran off to her den.

Silentmoon gave his ruffled chest fur a few long licks to calm himself down. He was aware of Nightwing next to him purring in amusement "Well, are we going hunting or are you just going to sit there licking your chest"

Silentmoon's only reply was a wordless growl, then with a wave of his tail, they were off.

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