Silentmoon's Adventure Ch. 4

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By the time dusk arrived, the warriors that he picked for the battle patrol were ready, fully fed, and ready for anything that would be thrown at them. They were positioned in an area that ThunderClan patrols usually pass through. The landscape had a stream that marks the border, and it was where pine-trees and oak-trees meet. It was the perfect setting for a battle, marked by the dying light of sunset. The patrol didn't have to wait long before they heard the drumming of paws that announced the arrival of the ThunderClan cats. Silentmoon held his tail up to signal his cats to get ready. When the thundering of pawsteps gets closer he waves his tail to attack.

The ShadowClan cats jump out into the open towards the ThunderClan patrol, who in turn spring backwards and yowl in surprise at the sudden ambush. Silentmoon yowls the attack command and charged towards the ThunderClan deputy, Lionflight, who is in the patrol.

The rest of the ShadowClan patrol was locked in battle with three other ThunderClan cats Palemoon, Tallflower, and Goldenpetal. Silentmoon tackles Lionflight and knocks him to the ground, but the Thunderclan deputy quickly got up. Springing up at Silentmoon in a huge leap, Lionflight took Silentmoon by surprise and lunged for his neck. In a flash, Silentmoon knocked Lionflight off before his teeth could sink into his scruff.

Before Lionflight can recover, Silentmoon scratches Lionflight's muzzle, and in turn he yowls in pain and growls "Is that all you got?" he snarled, "If you want to beat us you'll have to do better than that!"

The ShadowClan deputy just snorts and growls, "Stop hunting in our territory and leave now, or you will get worse than a scratched muzzle." To emphasize what he said, Silentmoon stepped forward and moved as if to claw the other clan Deputy again. In turn Lionflight yowled with anger and calls his patrol to return to the ThunderClan camp. Silentmoon's patrol yowled and cheered in victory and heads back to their own camp.

Upon returning, everyone greets the warriors with loud meows of pride. Slipping away, Silentmoon called to the Medicine cat, Snakesong, to heal their wounds. Snakesong yowled for his apprentice, Amberpaw, to help him. The apprentice came out of the Medicine cat den with marigold and cobwebs in her jaws like instructed, pride shining in her eyes. Being careful, the two medicine cats start treating wounds, scolding the warriors for letting injuries befall them. When they got done with Silentmoon, Russetstar gestures with her tail for him to report what happened.

Silentmoon explained what happened quickly, and Russetstar congratulated him and the patrol. After that, they ate a feast to celebrate their victory, the well-stocked fresh kill pile assisting their growling stomachs. Silentmoon padded over to Nightwing with a vole in his jaws, and dropped it at the she-cat's paws, "You...fought well today." he mewed, giving his chest fur a few quick brisk licks.

Nightwing purred "Thanks! You fought pretty well too, I heard what Lionflight said, about us having to be stronger. I almost clawed his face for you."

Silentmoon purred back, "I might of let you. I almost had to bite my tongue to force myself to growl." Silentmoon took a bit from his vole, silently wondering Why do I like her so much? is it because she doesn't see me as her superior?

Nightwing let out an amused noise, but Silentmoon opened his jaws and let out a wary yawn before saying, "I'm a bit tired now, but thank you for sharing tongues with me." He gave Nightwing's ear a lick, "I'll get some rest, and expect you to do the same." he mewed, heading towards his nest.

He settled in the nest and put his head on his paws. Nightwing settled next to him and gave his ears a quick brisk lick. Silentmoon slowly dozed off, comforted by the warm pelt next to him.

When he fell asleep his dreams were filled with the sound of screeching cats and caterwauling, terror clear in their voices. When he woke up Darkcloud was standing a little ways away purring in amusement. At first Silentmoon was confused. Then he saw that Nightwing was sleeping next to him. He quickly sat up and gave his chest a few quick licks and tried not to look embarrassed.

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