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[sunday] |2:48| AM

"What could we find that could possibly be useful here?" The young soft shell turtle tried to assimilate the ideals of his brothers, unfortunately being unable to make the same connections as them. They had been walking to a dumpster hidden between the nooks of a sushi restaurant and a coffee shop.

Considering they were at the ripe age of eleven they were convinced that they were completely old enough to wander the surface alone at night.

"Plenty of stuff! Where'd you think we found that skateboard for Raph?" The shorter twin remarked. Michael Angelo who had been leading the group came to a stop upon the large green dumpster. "I'd think the dumpster behind the skate shop?" Donatello retorted.  

Leonardo scratched his cheek. "Well, yeah, but that shouldn't matter, one mans trash is another mans treasure! Even if it's not what we expect to find." He reached for the lid, swiftly tossing it over the side of the metal dumpster.

Clearly waking up whatever was inside given by the sounds of movement coming inside. The only one who seemed to have taken note of the noise was Mikey. "Hey wait, did you guys-" "Donnie gimme a boost!" The impatient turtle demanded. The soft shell complied begrudgingly, allowing him to stand on his shoulders.

As he clung to the side of the ill scented dumpster, he almost immediately shot back in surprise at what greeted him from inside. "Woah! Okay!" Donnie yelped trying to keep his brother steady on his shoulders.   "Whoops. Didn't think people would be dumpster diving at this time." A new voice spoke from inside the dumpster.

Out popped their two grey ears and a black mask of fur. "Woah! Are you a mutant?" The orange one jumped to his tippy toes to get a better look at the raccoon peering from the lip of the rusted green waste bin.

"Not really but, something of the sort, I've never encountered turtles before!" The raccoon dipped their head out curiously. Leonardo had taken his place back on the ground. Both him and his twin taking a few weary steps back. "I've never seen a raccoon person before!" Mikey spoke back with the same energy applied.

Before he could ask another question Donatello asked his own. "Who are you? Why are in a dumpster? Shouldn't you be with a parent or something?" He asked brow raised. The raccoon hopped swinging their legs over the dumpster lip and jumping down to meet the boys standing below them.

It wasn't until that moment that the brothers got a look of what they were even wearing.  A yellow shirt, a pair of mismatched winter gloves some poorly stitched cargo shorts and a plaid bandanna.

"If I answer those questions, will you answer them right back to me?" They maintained a weary expression. "That sounds like a deal to me!" Leonardo smiled complacently.  

The raccoon allowed a nervous smile to spread across their features, the feeling of excitement from seeing others had died down and they had returned to their original anxious state.

"Right then, my names Rainy, I was searching for my dinner, and no." The last answer made the turtles quirk a brow, if they all had brows at least. "Where's your dad or mom? Won't they be looking for you?" Mikey asked looking around as if hoping to find a larger raccoon off in the distance somewhere. "I'm afraid those questions weren't apart of the deal, but I will say that they are far from here" he tried to quirk a smile, effectively making things much more awkward.

"Well then, I'm Leonardo, but call me Leo!" The Boy who was wearing a blue headband on his forehead, effectively showing off his red stripes over his eyes. As well as a blue shirt, the sleeves ripped off, with the word 'rad' written across it.

"we're here hoping to find some decent stuff in the dumpster, and our dads at home. Probably sleeping. That's Donatello or Donnie-" he gestured to the slightly taller one with the purple bandanna, thick square glasses and purple zip up hoodie. "and that's-"

"Mikey!" The one in orange spoke for himself standing in front of Leo, wearing a orange headband and a orange sleeveless hoodie. Rainy took a moment to comprehend the new information. "oh! Well then, it's nice to meet you, Wait your dad just lets you go out whenever? How old are you?" Rainy asked a string of questions that weren't apart of the deal either.

However the boy in blue seemed happy to answer. "Ah yeah see that's the thing, he doesn't know we're out neither does our oldest brother who probably wouldn't let us go out either. Me and Donnie are eleven and Mikey's ten." He gestured to the younger of the two.   

Rainy looked between the three for a fleeting moment before shaking their head "oh, I'm eleven too, but you guys should get home, what if you're dad or bother wakes up and sees you're gone?" Rainy queried.

Leon just blew a raspberry in response to the sleepy eyed raccoon. "Our dad could sleep through the end of the world, we're probably fine." Rainy only raised a brow. "Okay, what about your brother?" Leonardo looked back at his two brothers to find input but they looked as clueless as he did.

"Hmm, good point. What do we tell Raph if he sees us coming back?" He attempted to brainstorm with his brothers only to get a shrug in response. "In all honesty I was gonna blame you."  The one in purple remarked, Mikey nodding behind him. A look of distress crossed Leonardo's face at the new information.

"Shouldn't you be getting home too?" Mikey asked turning his attention to the Raccoon that seemed focused on the ground beneath them.  "Huh? Oh I I live here for now." They spoke nonchalantly gesturing to the dumpster. "I can tell, you don't smell good." Donatello remarked earning a soft punch on the shoulder from his blue brother.

"He's kidding. We wouldn't think you'd live in the trash is all." Rainy watched Donnie rub his shoulder to rid himself of the stinging sensation.

"Yeah my living situation was compromised but it's okay. I don't really get to clean myself much, only really when it rains. It's more calming then it sounds." Rainy shrugged.

"But isn't it colder in the rain?" Mikey questioned. "Yeah it is, but I like it."
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