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Rachel and Santana smiled as they walked into their first class that day " I'm so happy we have all the same classes this year !" Rachel said sitting down beside her best friend " I know ! This year is gonna be great Rach" Santana said. The two quickly fell into a conversation on anything under the sun as everyone else piled into the classroom.

Both girls stopped talking once their teacher began speaking and introducing herself but the woman stopped when the door swung open to reveal a blonde girl dressed in a caption marvel t-shirt and a black skirt. " Hi I am so sorry I'm a little late just a smidge. You must be Mrs.Smith I'm Quinn it is very nice to meet you !" The blonde said happily " Well good morning Quinn your the newest student to McKinley so why don't you tell the class a few things about yourself" Mrs. Smith said loving the young girl's enthusiasm " Yea sure. Hi my names Quinn my family just moved here from Georgia I'm an only child I'm 14 almost 15...ummm...my parents are doctors...that's abt it" Quinn said smiling at the class who only looked at her as if it was something wrong with her. " Thank You Quinn why don't you take a seat beside Rachel" Mrs.Smith said and Quinn nodded and looked around the room " Oh...uh me she means me.." Rachel said earning a thankful smile in return as the girl moved and sat beside her. Santana eyed the beaming girl who seemed like that perfect entitled girl she'd seen in the drama shows she watched but instead of entitled she gave off a sweet and innocent vibe. There was definitely more to find out about this girl 


Santana and Rachel sat down at their lunch table and began eating " God that new girl is gonna be the death of me !" Rachel said " She is rather annoying how can someone be that happy ? Like she doesn't even stop smiling" Santana said " San we gotta find out all there is to know about this girl" the brunette said as she ate her lunch. Santana nodded and looked up from her tray seeing Quinn standing in the middle of the cafeteria looking for a place to sit " Oh god I hope she doesn't see us" Santana mumbled watching the blonde.

The girls watched as Quinn turned around and left the cafeteria throwing away her lunch in the process. " Should we follow her ?" Rachel asked and Santana smirked " Hell yea we are let's go" Santana said quickly getting up from her seat. Rachel smiled and went with her best friend throwing away the rest of their lunches on their way out.

Rachel and Santana quietly wandered the halls looking for the blonde until they found her on the phone " Yes mommy it's all going well so far" Quinn said. " No...no I didn't..."  Quinn said quietly "You know why mom...you saw how people treated me when it all happened before that's just not something I'm ready to share.." Quinn said. Rachel and Santana looked at Quinn in confusion " Yes mama I have them...I know I know if I have any problems with it to call you or dad I know.." Quinn said before she laughed lightly at her mother " Yes mommy I love you and dad to...have a good time at work stop worrying about me I'm fine" Quinn and and hung up with a heavy sigh. The girls eyes widened when the blonde pulled a bottle of pills from her bag " Omg is she a drug addict.." Rachel whispered watching as the girl took one of the pills " Let's go talk to her....maybe she'll give us something.." Santana said grabbing Rachel's hand.

The duo walked up to Quinn " Hi Quinn right ?" Rachel said " Oh yes hi Rachel" Quinn said instantly putting a bright smile on her face. " I'm Santana" Santana told her " Very nice to meet the both of you" Quinn said looking at the two " Tell us about yourself Quinn" Rachel said " I already did this morning you both were there" the blonde said trying not to drop her smile " We know that Barbie we mean like why'd you move to Lima ? What your parents are like ?" Santana said " Oh...um...we moved here because..um they got a job here at the hospital so.." Quinn said trying to keep up the enthusiasm despite the dizziness she was beginning to feel  " What abt your parents what are they like ?" Rachel asked looking at the blonde who's face was flush " I'm really sorry but I really need to go.." Quinn said before quickly walking away from the two leaving them alone in confusion.


Rachel and Santana sighed in relief as they sat down on Rachel's bed " Today wasn't that bad other than Quinn" Rachel said while she put her hair up " That girls weird like that shit she was saying on the phone totally weird and secretive" Santana said looking over at her best friend " Yea and the pills and flush cheeks she's definitely hiding something San" Rachel said stealing one of Santana's Oreos " You think she's like putting on an act or something ?" Santana asked curiously " No idea but we'll figure it out we always do" Rachel said.  Santana shrugged and sat up on the girls bed " Wanna go ride our bikes and get something to eat I know your daddy will be home late today" the latina said " Yea lets go" Rachel said getting up off her bed. 

The girls slipped their shoes back on and went downstairs and into the garage hopping on their bikes " Where did you wanna go get food" Rachel asked as she opened the garage door. " Wanna go to that old diner we haven't been there in a while" the tan girl said. Rachel began riding her back Santana following closely beside the shorter girl. They both rode their bikes slowly looking around as they went talking occasionally. Quickly they arrived at the old diner and got off their bikes setting them against the brick wall before going inside and sitting at a booth and telling the waiter their orders. 

Rachel smiled at her best friend as they talked and ate their dinner " Oh gosh do you remember  when Finn got stuck on the slide in 3rd grade" Santana said causing Rachel to burst into a fit of laughter " Omg yes ! they had to call the fire department" Rachel said while she laughed at the memory from her childhood. " Oh do you remember that time we glued the substitute to their  chair" Rachel said continuing to laugh Santana laughing along with her. The two girls continued talking and laughing at childhood memories until they realized it was getting late. "Alright are you staying the night with me and my parents tonight ?" Santana asked sliding out of the booth and standing up. " Yes daddy said he already spoke with your parents I just need to grab my bookbag and stuff and then we can take the car to yours" Rachel said standing up. Santana nodded and walked outside getting back on her bike.


After getting what they needed from Rachel's house the girls piled into Santana's car and headed towards her house. " You still haven't told me anything abt these new neighbors you have" Rachel said looking over at her best friend " I haven't met them or seen them for that matter" Santana said and Rachel furrowed her eyebrows her best friends new neighbors had been there for abt three weeks now and yet they'd never seen them " That's weird are they ever home ?" Rachel asked as Santana pulled into her driveway. " There's usually someone there bc the lights are on but the cars always seem to be gone" the tan girl said getting out of the car and looking over at the house her new neighbors were in. " Maybe they're just busy and haven't had the time yet" Rachel said grabbing her things from the backseat. Santana shrugged and unlocked the front door. 

The girls smiled as Mrs.Lopez greeted them " Hey girls how was your day ?" Maribel asked as she washed the dishes " It was good" Santana said grabbing one of the cupcakes on the counter " You baked ?" Santana asked biting into the cupcake " No actually the new neighbors brought them over today your father and I met them earlier" Maribel replied watching as her daughter went to spit the cupcake out "What are they like ?" Rachel asked curiously " Oh they're delightful they're a lovely family very sweet and nice the wife's name is Jessica and the dads name is Lucas they're both doctors and they have a daughter in fact she's the same age as you girls even goes to the same school as you both" Maribel said and Santana gulped hoping her mother wouldn't say the name she was thinking " What's her name ?" Santana asked nervously " Her name is Quinn she's such a delightful child very nice and speaks for herself she's rather independent beautiful girl" Maribel said and both girls gasped " Oh no ! San no ! not her !" Rachel whined and Maribel looked at the girls skeptically " What's up with you two?" Maribel asked " We met her at school today mami even spied on her she's strange and hiding stuff ! She can't be trusted" Santana said and Maribel sighed " Don't be so quick to judge her girls and I'd really like it if you two befriended her she just wants some friends and she's a really sweet girl" Maribel said softly " Okay we'll give it a try" Rachel said " Now go and get ready for bed alright" Maribel said turning back to the sink as the girls went upstairs. 

Quickly Santana and Rachel showered before settling in bed turning on the tv both watching the cartoon as they tried their best to fight off their sleep but they both fell asleep unable to fight off the sleep anymore. 

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