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Quinn smiled as she kissed the blonde she'd been crushing on for weeks. She and Brittany had been sneaking around and making out for about 2 weeks now and she couldn't have been happier. Sure people looked down on Brittany due to some things she said but she was beautiful and talented not to mention popular. "So pretty..." Brittany mumbled against her lips as she felt the shorter girl taking her ponytail down before running her fingers through the long blonde hair. Quinn was so deep into the kiss and how soft Brittany's lips were that she didn't feel the girls hand trailing up her leg and up her skirt that is until she felt the girls hand on her underwear. 

Quickly she pushed the taller girl off in a panic while Brittany looked at her with wide curious eyes "What is that Quinn ?" the taller blonde asked. "No...no you didn't-...you didn't feel anything...d-don't tell anyone...this...this never happened" Quinn said before leaving and running down the hallway and shirt out the corridor doors and didn't stop until she got home. The blonde ran inside ignoring her parents and Maribel as they called her name and going right to her bedroom before closing and locking the door. Quinn threw herself on her bed as tears streamed down her face many of things running through her mind as she sobbed into her pillow.

Rachel and Santana laughed as they ate their lunch "Oh my gosh and Mr.Shue rapping during Spanish class today was awful" Santana said and laughed harder when Rachel began impersonating the man "The class was horrified" Rachel said through her laughter "I feel so sorry for his wife" Santana said wiping her eyes from the fallen tears as she tried her best to stop laughing but one look at her best friend caused her to burst into laughter once again.

Rachel's laughter quickly went away when she saw the tall blonde walking up to them "San.." the brunette murmured moving her head in Brittany's direction when she looked at her. Santana turned around and narrowed her eyes at her while she'd been happy Quinn had a crush she didn't really like that it was Brittany she was in the popular crowd and she was bound to hurt Quinn. "Hi um you two are Quinn's friends right ?" the ditsy blonde asked "Yeah why ?" Rachel said curiously between Brittany looking nervous and fiddling with her fingers Rachel knew something was wrong with their best friend "Well...we were making out and she was really into it...but when I touched her underwear they felt funny like there was a bump in them or something it didn't feel like it does with any other girl...and she like freaked out and ran...I tried to call her but she didn't answer" the blonde explained "The hell do you mean you felt something ?! Felt what ?! What did you do to her !" Santana screamed as she stood up from her seat "What did you do to our best friend Brittany" Rachel asked her voice full of concern and anger "I didn't do anything at least I don't think so..." Brittany said unsurely.

"Let's go Rach" Santana said quickly packing up her lunch before turning to Brittany "You need to stay away from her she's not just some random girl you can fuck like you do everyone else Brittany" the Latina said and left with Rachel running to her car. Quickly the girls got in Santana's car and sped to the Fabray home as they tried to call the blonde only to receive no replies. They couldn't help but be worried they'd never experienced this with the hazel eyed girl.

Once they arrived at the house they got out and quickly went inside where all their parents were sat in the living "Jessica what happened ? Is Quinn here ?" Rachel asked looking at them each adult looking just as concerned as her and Santana "Yes she's here but we don't know what's wrong or happening she just ran in the house crying and locked herself in her room" Jessica told them "Do either of you know anything ?" LeRory asked "Um...yea a girl from the popular crowd named Brittany said she was making out with her and she touched her underwear and then Quinn freaked out and ran" Santana said.

Jessica and Lucas looked at one another sighing when they put the pieces together "We know...but we aren't going to tell you bc that's Quinn's place to tell you not ours" Jessica said while Maribel knew what was now happening no one else did "How long do think she'll be up there ?" Rachel asked and Lucas shrugged "Who knows it varies each time" he told them so Santana and Rachel sighed before taking a seat and making themselves comfortable.


Quinn took a deep breath before leaving her room, she'd been crying for at least 2 hours and she was now thirsty and just wanted to snuggle with her mom to feel better but her emotions quickly changed when she'd made it to the bottom of the stairs and walked into the living room "Mommy can we-...." her breath got caught in her throat and her eyes filled with tears when she saw everyone sitting in the living room.

Jessica got up and went over to her daughter grabbing her shaky hands " Hey...hey sweetie look at mommy" she said softly and smiled when the hazel eyes met her green eyes "Can you tell mommy what's wrong ? Why you've been crying for so long..." Jessica asked calmly. She knew if her daughter was focused on her and only her then she'd forget everyone else was around her she'd always been that way "Mommy...she-...she's gonna tell everyone.." Quinn told her as tears rolled down her pink cheeks "Who baby ?" Jessica asked though she knew who she wanted to hear it from her daughter "B-Brittany..." Quinn whimpered. "Can you tell me how it all happened ?" She asked her and wasn't all that surprised when the young girl shook her head no. If anything she could tell Quinn was not only tired but overwhelmed and overstimulated "Do you just want mama to hold you until you feel better ?" Jessica asked with a small smile and picked the shorter girl up when she nodded.

Santana and Rachel watched Jessica sit down on the couch holding the still crying teen. They'd never seen Quinn in such a state it was strange yet heart warming. Strange because they were used to seeing their best friend with a bright smile and bright innocent eyes but it was sweet because they hardly saw moments like this with the small family it was a rare moment. It seemed as though they all silently agreed to stay quiet for Quinn's sake. Lucas sighed quietly his daughter was always a bit childlike when she was sad or sick and if anything she wanted to be held by her mommy.

So now they were sat in the living room silently watching tv. Jessica rubbed her daughters back and placed a kiss on her head quietly hoping this wouldn't all be as bad as it was back in their old city.

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