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Holly sat at the breakfast bar, glasses on as she looked over a certain blondes case file. Her wife was upstairs asleep with said blonde both girls sleeping soundly in the now quiet home, she'd taken it upon herself to talk to Evelyn and while she knew it looked strange that she and Shelby were looking into taking in Quinn despite being the detectives that were on her case and knowing her for a short amount of time she couldn't deny that the blonde held a special place in her heart from the moment she met her. There was something about the look in the young girls eyes that told her she would do anything to make sure she was safe and cared for.

Quinn's case was different from other children's cases she'd come across not because the girl was trans but because if you were the average person you wouldn't actually find out much about the girl or her life all you find is her name, date of birth, her medical records, and that she just recently moved to Lima other than that you don't get anything. Which is how Holly ended up with her computer open and the name 'Quinn Fabray' in her search bar. It's nearly 30 minutes before Holly finds anything and what she does find is mind blowing and disgusting.

She finds a Facebook page that's dedicated to Quinn and how disgusting it is that she's trans, there's death threats from teens and parents alike and somehow there's even pictures of Quinn from before she fully transitioned. The older blonde is so disgusted that she has to leave the site all together and go searching for something else which is how she finds an article from the city Quinn used to live in. An article where they speak to a nurse that treated Quinn and worked with her parents, in the article the nurse reveals that there was a point when the small blonde was still in coma from her car accident and her parents had been wanting to pull the plug on her despite doctors requests to wait it out. The more she read the more annoyed she became why were Quinn's parents so eager to pull the plug and let her die ? They should have been hoping and praying their 7 year old would wake up and be able to make a full recovery instead they were trying to kill her.

Her brows furrowed as she racked her brain for answers Quinn's parents were doctors themselves they saw the progress the tiny blonde was making even whilst being in coma. So she did some more digging and used her connections to get all of the young blondes medical records from the moment she was born up until the very last time she'd been seen by a doctor and what she finds is concerning. There's multiple instances where Quinn was brought in for stomach aches, fevers, vomiting, bruising, and bleeding and a few other things then there's another instance where it seems the girl passed out a lot prior to her accident. When comparing these medical records to the ones in her case file you can see a lot of it is gone and uncharted for almost as if it's supposed to be a secret.

These were strange things that Holly wasn't quite understanding until she found blood tests results that show dosages of asparaginase in the young child's system, it seems it started showing up in blood tests around the time Quinn would have been 5 years old and continuing until the latest blood test being just after they moved to Lima there's just three blood tests where a certain drug is found in her system, the first time being when Quinn was nearly 8 years old and still recovering from the accident, the second time being the day she was outed for the first time and the third being just after the family moved to Lima. These blood test show where there's traces of a high dosage of arsenic trioxide in her blood.

Holly could have sworn her heart stopped beating and she stopped breathing, that drug is dangerous and is only ever used as a last resort for cancer that drug could kill people...it-...it could have killed Quinn...hastily the older blonde closes her computer and the case file opened before her. She took a deep breath trying to find the answers to her own questions in her mind. If the two had already lost one child then why would they try so hard to kill the other ? Or...had that been their plan all along before the accident even occurred had they already been trying to kill the little girl ? If so was Quinn even aware of this ? Was she willingly taking these medications ? Did she also want to be dead ?...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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