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Santana watched as Quinn read over the assignment their teacher had given them 30 minutes ago she noticed the young blonde was still reading over the directions and each time she went to begin the assignment she'd read the directions again. She and Rachel had noticed early on that Quinn seemed to have a difficult time completing assignments despite her amazing grades they'd never asked why she seemed to struggle they just offered her help which she usually turned down claiming she knew how to do it however by the time class would end the most that would be on Quinn's paper was her name and the date. The Latina watched the frustrated look on the girls face before eventually putting her pencil town and turning to face the blonde "Q ? Do you need help ?" Santana asked her "No I've got it" Quinn told her groaning quietly as she read the directions once again still not understanding the assignment "Really ? Bc your clearly frustrated and you've been reading the directions for over 30 minutes now" the raven haired girl said looking at the blonde who's shoulders deflated "Fine....I-...I don't understand I'm confused" the blonde admitted hoping none of her other classmates could hear her "What don't you understand ? I can explain it to you" Santana asked her "The whole thing...a-and I can't focus bc it's so loud in here and there's so much happening..." the hazel eyed girl said her hazel eyes filling with tears in frustration "No need to cry I'll ask for us to go to the library and then I'll help you okay ?" Santana said gently wiping Quinn's fallen tears.

Quinn watched as Santana went up to their teacher before returning with a pass in her hand "Rach ? Q and I are going to the library to work do you wanna come ?" Santana asked as she grabbed her things "No I'm alright I need to talk with the teacher anyway I'll meet you guys there after class" Rachel told her. Santana nodded and left the classroom with Quinn before going to the library. The two sat down at a table near the back and began working on the assignment. The more Santana explained the more Quinn understood the assignment and before she knew it they'd completed the assignment together "There all done. See that wasn't to hard" Santana said with a smile "Thanks Tana...I probably never would've figured this out if you hadn't walked through it with me" Quinn said with a small smile. "It's no problem Q you were struggling I just wanted to help but I-...I noticed that you kinda take a bit longer to complete the assignments but your grades are incredible...how's that ?" The Latina asked looking at the blonde "Oh....I just...uh...I ya know" Quinn said as she began drawing on Santana's hand until the girl stopped her "Tell me I won't judge you Quinn" Santana told her "I-...well I have dyslexia and ADHD...so...it takes me a little longer to understand stuff..." Quinn told her quietly "That actually makes so much sense now I know why you're so energetic and stuff" Santana said causing the blonde to laugh "Thanks for not judging me Sanny" the blonde said with a small smile "Of Course Q now come on let's go meet Rach" the latina said getting up from her seat.

The two girls grabbed their things and left the library meeting up with Rachel before continuing down the hallway talking and laughing that is until one Finn Hudson came up behind them "Hey Quinn" he said walking behind the three. Quinn sighed and smiled softly "Hello Finn what can I do for you ?" the blonde said "How about that date we talked about ?" Finn asked her as he continued walking behind the three "Finn I'm sorry but I told you I'm not interested...you aren't my type" Quinn told him a little annoyed that the boy was still trying to get with her after she'd told him she wasn't interested. Finn stopped walking and watched the three girls as they kept walking "Ya know I think I finally know why you keep turning me and every other boy at this school down" he started as Quinn began walking slower than before "It's because we're boys and well...if you liked us and dated us that'd make you gay...right ? Dude" Finn said causing Quinn's feet to come to a halt and her breathing getting heavy "You're a boy just acting like a girl aren't you ? Your no girl you never will be a girl and there's just one way to prove this all" Finn said walking up to the blonde who was frozen "The hell do you think you're doing Hudson !" Santana said narrowing her eyes at the boy "Don't you dare touch h-..." Rachel started but her eyes went wide when Finn yanked Quinn's skirt and underwear down.

The hallway went silent as all eyes landed on Quinn and what was between her legs. Quinn was in such shock that she couldn't bring herself to move or pull her skirt and underwear back up "What is your problem !!" Santana screamed at Finn as Rachel quickly fixed the blondes clothes "Oh shut up Santana the freak deserved it" Finn said "No she didn't you did this all because she wouldn't date you" the latina said "You mean he and I wouldn't date him either" the boy said rolling his eyes "QUINN IS A GIRL !" Santana yelled growing more and more angry with the boy "You wanted her so bad when you thought she was a girl so what's the difference Finn Hm ? The dick between her legs ?! She's just like any other girly girl at this damn school ! She wears skirts she wears dresses ! She likes hair bows she loves getting her nails done ! She's just like me she"s just like Rachel !" Santana said making sure everyone in the hallway could hear her "Thankfully she's nothing like you Finn an awful annoying guy that acts like a child because he can't get his way" the raven haired girl said before walking away to find her best friends who'd left the hall a while ago.

Santana went from hallway to hallway til she found her friends in an empty classroom where she found the two were sat in the back corner on the floor. Rachel running her fingers through Quinn's long blonde locks while Quinn silently cried she wanted nothing more than to go home and lay in her bed. "Quinn I am so sorry...look we can go to the principal if you want" Santana said crouching down in front of the two "I just wanna go home..." Quinn mumbled quietly "Okay yea come on we can go" Rachel said carefully standing up before helping the blonde up. Santana sighed and left with her friends she was angry that this had happened to her friend but she also wanted to know how Finn had gotten this information. As the three walked to Santana's car they were stopped by Brittany "Quinn are you okay ?" the taller blonde asked but was met with a sad glare. The shorter blonde had looked towards Brittany throughout the ordeal for help but the taller blonde just stayed silent and acted as if she knew nothing. Rachel narrowed her eyes at the tall blonde as she watched her best friend walk away "I tried to give you a shot for Quinn's sake Brittany but today proved all I need to know...your reputation matters more than anything including your relationship with Quinn...stay away from her Brittany and I mean it this time" the brunette said pushing past Brittany and walking to Santana's car.

The three got in and buckled up. They rode in silence to the Fabray home the only thing being heard was the light quiet music from the radio. All three girls had seemed to forgotten that the blonde's parents were at work bc when they pulled in the driveway no cars were found however that didn't stop Quinn from getting out of the car and going next door to the Lopez home. She didn't care that her parents weren't home she just wanted the comfort from someone she trusted. " LeRory that you ?" Maribel asked from her place on the couch her eyes staying on her computer screen but the sound of sniffles pulled her focus. When Maribel looked up her eyes landed on red faced teary eyed Quinn she immediately put her computer beside her and opened her arms rubbing the young blondes back when she fell into her embrace "Sweetheart what's the matter ?" The older Latina asked but was only answered with a sob "Mami ? You home ?" Santana asked as she entered the house behind Rachel "I'm in the living room" Maribel said. The two teens walked into the living room sighing softly at the sight "Will one of you tell me what happened ?" Maribel asked looked at the two "Finn outed Quinn...pulled her skirt down and everything" Rachel said sitting down in a chair "All because she wouldn't date him" Santana finished sitting down with a grunt "Did you tell a teacher or the principal ?" The older woman asked looking at the two "No all Quinn wanted to do was come home and since her parents aren't home she came here" Santana told her mother.

Maribel sighed as she held the sobbing blonde. She knew all about how bad this had been for the young girl before and now it was happening all again after her parents had been reassured by the principal that her daughter would be safe there. "It's going to be okay Quinn...we'll figure this out so that you're safe" Maribel told her softly hoping this would be resolved easily.

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