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Quinn kept her head down as she walked to her locker she was aware of others in the hallway looking at her, pointing at her, and whispering about her but she could care less because for the first time in the last week or two it was really hitting her that her parents were gone and they were never coming back. She felt numb, she felt...well she didn't know what she did know was that she wanted her mommy and daddy and unfortunately they weren't coming back to her they were gone forever "Quinn ?" Brittany whispered frowning when she saw the numb look on the girls face "Baby what's wrong ? You've been ignoring my calls and texts for days" the taller blonde said looking over the girls numb face "Don't call me that...I-...I'm not your baby Brittany.." Quinn said as she watched the girl glance around them to ensure no one was watching "You did what you wanted okay ?....you humiliated me and got me outed now could you just leave me alone...I don't wanna be apart of anymore of your little games" the green hazel eyed girl said as her heart seemed to break more and more with each word she said "I gotta go..." she mumbled quietly before walking away not caring that she hadn't grabbed anything from her locker she didn't bother going to meet up with her best friends either instead she walked into the first empty classroom she could find before, bursting into tears her back sliding down the all before she hugged her knees this was more than she could handle her parents were gone and she still had to deal with people like Brittany making her apart of some little game they had. 

It wasn't until now that the blonde realized how big her crush on the cheerleader was she felt betrayed among other things she'd thought Brittany loved her or at least liked her....she'd told Brittany all about her being trans and the girl had assured her she wouldn't tell and of course she lied and told Finn so they could out her. Quinn whined quietly as she heard the bell ring she needed to go to class however her body didn't move an inch she stayed there sat on the floor against the wall sobbing silently until her tears stopped 30 minutes later so with a heavy sigh she stood up and walked out of the room keeping her head down as she walked down the hallway that is until she walked right into someone "Sorry..." Quinn mumbled bending down to pick up the binder she'd knocked from the persons hands. As she looked up to ha d it back she came face to face with the boy she'd seen many of times around school she'd seen him being teased by others "Thanks Quinn right ?" the boy said with a small smile "Yeah...sorry again I didn't see you" she apologized "It's okay I wasn't paying attention either here....let me help you" Kurt said pulling her into the empty girls bathroom "Oh...no I'm okay" the blonde replied softly but didn't move away when the pale boy gently began cleaning her face "You know you're beautiful if I was straight I'd date you" Kurt said with a small laugh which made Quinn laugh "Your names Kurt right ?" Quinn asked looking at the boy "Yup my names Kurt Hummel do you wear make up Quinn ?" he asked looking over the girls still red face "No well I used to sneak and put on my moms or sisters from time to time when I was little but that's it" she said. 

Kurt smiled and began applying makeup to the girls face 'I'll just give you some light makeup then ya know when I was younger I used to use my moms make up to sometimes she'd do my makeup for me" he told her "My sister used to do mine especially when I started getting my own dresses and stuff" Quinn said as she felt the boy taking down the messy ponytail she'd thrown up this morning "Oh my gosh your hair is amazing so soft and long" Kurt said. Quinn laughed softly "Thanks Kurt I pride myself on my long hair" she said smiling as the boy began brushing her hair the both of them beginning a long conversation of things they did as children. 


Santana and Rachel looked around the cafeteria for their best friend they hadn't seen the blonde since they got to school that morning. They'd tried texting and calling the girl but received no reply " Is that her over there San ?" Rachel asked pointing to a blonde sitting at a table near the back "What ? No that girl is smiling and Q didn't have that on this morning...and that girl has on make up and-...holy shit that is Quinn" Santana said looking at the blonde "Why is she sitting with Kurt ?" the brunette asked looking between the two at the back table "Let's go get her" the latina said before walking over to the table " Oh my gosh my dad once woke me up the first day of summer break by throwing me in our pool my mommy got the whole thing on video" Quinn said making the boy laugh "That is so funny you have to show me the video one day" Kurt said with a smile "Uh...Quinn ?" Rachel said frowning when the girl didn't instantly turn around like she normally would instead she just continued on her conversation with Kurt "Hey Barbie !" Santana said a bit louder which made the girl turn around at the nickname "Oh hey guys you know Kurt right ?" Quinn said with a bright smile "Yeah we've heard of him now come on lets go" the raven haired girl said "Actually I wanted to eat with Kurt today" he blonde said looking at her best friends "No...Quinn get up lets go this is like social suicide" Rachel said. 

Kurt frowned he knew what the girl meant when she said that "What ?...Rach why would you say that ?" she asked turning around fully to get a good look at the two "Because he's an outcast Q he's gay and everyone makes fun of him for it you've already been outed do you really wanna ruin your high school experience anymore than it's already been ruined ?" Santana said "It's fine you can go eat with them Quinn I'll just call Mercedes and see what she'd up to" Kurt said trying not to let the girls words get to her "No...I am sitting here with Kurt because he is my friend he understands me he knows exactly how I feel...I would think you two would be happy for me...this is the best I have felt since the outing and losing them..." Quinn said "No Quinn we-...we didn't mean it like that we-...we..." Rachel said trying to make up an excuse "You what ? I know exactly what you both meant....you mean that Kurt possibly being gay and me being outed as trans won't look good to the student body the possibly gay kid and the transgender girl being friends is wrong that's what you're thinking right now" Quinn said looking between the two growing angry with them 

"Q come on...don't be like that" Santana said looking at the girl beginning to feel guilty for having said anything at all "Kurt is my friend...he is no different from me...he's no different than the both of you...weather he is gay, straight, bisexual, transgender or anything else he still just like us and for either of you to think any differently is wrong" she said hoping her message was getting across to the girls "Now....if you'll excuse us Kurt and I are going to continue our lunch in peace without being bothered" the green hazel  eyed girl said turning around and grabbing her unopened granola bar as her best friends hesitated before walking away "You didn't have to do that" Kurt said looking at the girl his face flushed having never had anyone defend him "Yes I did I love Santana and Rachel they're my family but I will always stand up for what I believe in...what they said is wrong Kurt what they think is wrong...I may have a hard time reading and understanding math but I don't have a hard time understanding things like this" the blonde said. "Well in that case thank you Quinn" Kurt said with a small smile. "It's no problem Kurt that's what friends are for" she said smiling at the boy. 


Quinn smiled as she hopped out of the truck "Bye Kurt bye Burt !" she said with a bright smile "Thanks for the dinner" the blonde said "You're welcome Quinn you're welcome to come by anytime" Burt said smiling back to the young girl "Okay I'll see you again soon and see you at school tomorrow Kurt" she said going up the steps "Bye Quinn ! See you tomorrow !" Kurt yelled out the window as his father began backing out of the driveway. Quinn giggled at the boys antics before walking inside the Lopez home where she found Maribel and Mark sitting at the kitchen table "Where have you been you missed dinner ?" Mark said looking at the girl who's smile slowly went away "I was out with a friend I had dinner at his house" she said looking between the two "Who ? Who is this boy why didn't you call and tell us you'd miss dinner" Maribel said her voice a bit more stern than she'd normally heard her use with her. 

"I wasn't thinking about it I was having fun it just slipped my mind" Quinn said not seeing the big deal she was home now and safe what was the problem ? "Santana and Rachel said you skipped all your classes today" Mark said looking at the girl who looked a little confused and annoyed "Yeah I was really emotionally and I just-...I didn't make it to class my friend helped me and he understands what I'm going through" Quinn said crossing her arms "Where'd you get that outfit ? And that makeup you have on those earrings the shoes" Mark said looking over the young girl noting she hadn't looked that way when she left that morning. "My friend gave them to me he helped clean me up after my little breakdown in am empty classroom" she told them "What friend who is this ? You only have two friends and from what we heard you avoided them all day especially after lunch" Maribel said "His name is Kurt and like I said he is my friend and yes I did avoid them after lunch because they upset me but I wasn't avoiding them before lunch they just never came to look for me they left me as soon we got out of the car" Quinn told them which wasn't a lie the two had left her as soon as they step foot out of the car paying her no mind. 

"Alright well Santana is staying the night at Rachel's so go get read for bed and I'll come tuck you in" Maribel said. Quinn nodded as she began going upstairs and straight to the guest room to grab her pajamas before going to take a quick shower and getting herself ready for bed like Maribel had told her by the time she'd slid into bed Maribel was walking in "Alright lay down sweetheart" the older woman told her smiling softly at the young girl "How's your back feeling ?" Maribel asked noticing the pained look on the girls face "It hurts...nothing I can't handle though I think I just need to rest" Quinn told her as Maribel pulled the covers over her "Okay just let me know if the pain gets worse" the older latina said placing a light kiss on the girls forehead "I know mama..." Quinn said softly feeling her eyes getting heavy. "Goodnight sweet girl..." Maribel said quietly as she watched the girl drift off to sleep before turning off the light and leaving her room. 

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