Chapter 5

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*okay so in my ELA class we got to make a couplet poem and mine is on how I'm a fangirl. I know it's not good but I wanted to share it with you guys real quick.
I'm a fangirl, let's just say that,
I like to read books that are really fat.

My room is full of book quotes,
I ship book characters on my school notes.

The book is better than the movie,
I pretend it's nectar when I'm drinking a smoothie.

I've called my dog Tris, and said I hate Snow,
But guess what? I've got an obsession and I know.
I know it's not great but...hey. It was fun to write! Anyway! Here's the update...*

Tris POV

I wake up and see my dad putting a bag of ice on my forehead. "Dad?" I say it more like a question. His eyes dart toward mine and I see him a relax a little. He smiles then says, "Hey princess. How you feeling?" My head was throbbing really badly and my ribs, stomach, and eye, was causing searing pain.

"Fabulous." I say sarcastically. A sympathetic smile crosses his face. But that's the thing, I don't want sympathy. "Yeah. You got hurt pretty badly. Caleb told me what he saw, but he wasn't there the whole time. What happened?" Then I take a deep breath and go into a very vague explanation. My dad just nods his head. "Caleb and I wanted to call the school and get this....Peter? Is that his name? In trouble. But we wanted to ask you first."

The first thing I notice when he starts talking is that he said, me and Caleb. Not Mom. Where is Mom? I haven't seen her since school started. But I decided to ask that later. "No," I say answering his question, "Please don't. I don't want that attention drawn to me." I beg.

"I was afraid you were going to say that. And I think that even if he doesn't get in trouble, more than likely people will notice you bruises." I feel a weight coming down on my shoulders. He's right. But I need to see the bruises first. I just nod.

Another sympathetic smile crosses his lips. "Are you hungry?" I shake my head no. "Okay. Well, I would go ahead and get your shower so you can go to bed after." I nod again and he leaves the room. Now I have to get up. I pull myself into a sitting position which requires a ton of effort that is followed by searing pain. But I force myself to continue. When I'm on my feet, I nearly fall, due to the pain. 'Just keep going, just keep going.' I think to myself. When I finally get to my dresser drawer, the door opens.

Caleb walks in. "Hey. Dad said you were awake. I just wanted to check on you myself." I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lie. Then I get out my shower clothes. "Thanks for being there Caleb, as always." He smiles. "No problem Beatrice." Him, my dad, and my mom, all use Beatrice. The name pains me when I hear it, but Caleb didn't do it to annoy me, he did it because he feels like he's lying to himself when he calls me Tris. So, I smile, even though I'm no fan of that word. "Dad told me what happened. I'm so sorry." He engulfs me into a gentle hug and I hug back. When he releases me he leaves so I can take a shower.

Even though I hurried through the shower, and used the coldest setting, the shower was painful. Water was hitting my bruises left and right. I was relieved when it was over. When I dressed, I looked into the mirror and say one of the biggest and ugliest black eye I have ever saw, or had. It was dark and huge. I knew then that no amount of makeup can make it look better, much like my face. Sighing, I walked out of the bathroom and went to bed, and fell asleep.

My dad woke me up gently that morning, even though I set my alarm. Maybe he thought I forgot. "Good morning princess, do you feel like going to school? I nodded. School wasn't my favorite, but I absolutely HATED makeup work. "Okay, but take it easy." I nodded again and left.

I decided to wear a slightly baggy gray long sleeve shirt that said don't stop believing, and some blue jeans. I also put on a bracelet that has stars on it. Then I pulled on some sneakers and went to the bathroom to do my make up. I put on my usual, foundation, concealer, and a little bit a mascara. I looked at my 3 big bruises on my face. My black eye wasn't pretty, once again, like my face, and I had a knee shaped bruise in the center towards the top of my forehead. Then, I had a fist shaped bruise on my jaw. 'Great, just great. I thought. I decided to add a black hoodie and tie it to cover up the knee and fist bruises. I looked at my eye. Sunglasses? Maybe. I'll decide later. Right now I'm gonna get breakfast.

When I got downstairs I got a bowl of cereal and basically just picked at it the whole time. But I made myself eat at least half of it. My dad came downstairs right when I finished. "Hey Dad? Do you think you can write me a note so I can wear sunglasses today, to cover up my eye?" He nodded. "Of course, princess."

He handed me the note five minutes later and then I got my stuff and Caleb and I got in his car to head for school.

*hey again! Don't worry, I'll update again today. But I wanted to test you guys. Now, the first one to answer this correctly, I will follow you. Okay. The question is, how old do you think I am? Now, I have two more questions but you don't have to answer all of them. All right, second question, what is nectar and what book is it from. (Or series. And you have to answer both parts of this question correctly for me to follow you) The last one is...what trilogy has the main characters names that are Lena, Alex, and Hana?
Alright. Bye!*

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