Chapter 28

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Tris POV

The bell rings for science, yay! Note my sarcasm.

Four and I walk to science together and I hide my hands with my extra long, long sleeve shirt.

We go in and I sit in my assigned seat and Four sits next to me in his. I'm still pretty ticked off so I don't want to talk because I'm afraid that something will slip out that could hurt our relationship. So I just read.

Four was nudging me while I was reading so I out the book down and looked at him. "What?" I ask. "I know you hate this question but since your still mad I'm going to ask. Are you okay?" Four says. I take a moment before answering. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. So, I just just shrug and say, "Honestly, I don't know." Four gives a small smile and kisses my forehead, making a good amount of my anger disappear. I give a small smile back and then the bell rings.

"Today we will be dissecting frogs!" Mr. Langley says.

I throw up in my mouth.

We pick partners and Four and I are a pair. "I really don't want to do this," I say to Four. And then he says his extremely helpful response (note the sarcasm), "They're already dead."

I'm not going to gross you out with the far beyond disgusting details, let's just say I threw up. Not fun.

It seems like forever but class finally ends and we head to math.

In math we went over pi which got Uriah and Zeke excited because they thought they were going to eat pie, again.

I watch the clock and concentrate so closely on it that I hear the soft 'tick' for the seconds hand. In fact, I was so used to the soft 'tick' that when the bell rang I fell out of my seat.

I got up quickly and we all walked to gym together.

We went to the locker room and Christina was talking about having a party Friday. I ignored the idea of a party and put on my gray with orange strips running shorts and my orange long sleeve shirt that said 'train like a beast' on it. We left the locker room and huddled together in front of the coach.

"We're gonna run 3 mile so let's go!" He yelled.

We all took off and soon I'm covered head to toe in mud. How you ask? Well, as I was passing Peter there happened to be a huge mud puddle and Peter decided to shove me in it. I couldn't care less about my clothes but I could definitely care less about my hair! That's gonna take a lot of showers to get that out.

I kept running and soon I'm up I'm front with Four. He turned around to smile at me but gosh, that smile fell right off his face. You had to see his face. Then he started laughing his head off. "Hey! It's not funny!" I yell, but he continues laughing. "Fine, laugh all you want," I say, then right when he lest expects it, I jump on his back, getting his whole back muddy and then I jumped off so I could run. He didn't care though. He laughed even harder. "How....did....that....happen?" He asks between laughs. "Peter shoved me," I state. His laughing stopped. "Did he hurt you?" Four asks, serious now. "No, nothing to worry about," I say. "Okay good," Four says then starts laughing again. I roll my eyes.

Four and I are going so fast that we pass the others even though we're in front. It just so happens that we passed Peter right where he pushed me into the mud. So, I ran full force and shoved him into the mud, hard. He rolls over and I start cracking up. Hahahaha, revenge.

Four and I finish at the same time and we go get water. I was thinking about how I was gonna get home because cheer practice is today and I really don't feel like walking, when Coach Slay yells, "FOR ALL THE CHEERLEADERS, CHEERLEADING PRACTICE IS CANCELLED TODAY!"

We go change and while my clothes are now mud free, my face still isn't. Oh well. We go to our lockers and get our our stuff. Just as Four and I were about to walk to the bus room, Christina comes up to us. "WE ARE HAVING A PARTY ON FRIDAY AT MY HOUSE!" Oh. My. Goodness. We are standing right in front of her, why the shouting. "WE ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOUT!" I yell. I hear Four laughing his head of behind me. "Sorry! Just excited! Got to go!" She says before skipping over to the other girls. Yes, skipping.

Four, still smiling, puts an arm around my shoulders and we walk to the bus room.

"So, why were you mad today. I know you said it was built up on a lot of things," Four says as we sit at a table in the lunchroom, waiting for the bus to get here. "Mom, Peter, Caleb, my eating disorder, just everything I guess," I say. "I get it. I'm like that too. It just gets to much," Four says. "Exactly!" I say.

"07-61! Get out!" The mean teacher yells. We stand up and walk out of the lunchroom to our bus.

We load the bus and Four and I sit together.

The bus starts rolling down the road and I fell a hand yank my shoulder from behind me. "Beatrice! Dad just texted me saying that he will have to stay on the business trip for a month!" Caleb yells. "Don't give me that. Dad wouldn't just leave us for a month saying it would only be a week. I'm not buying that stuff again," I say, mad that he's trying it again. "Tris, I already apologized for that! What else do you want me to do! And he really did text me that! See," Caleb says, handing me his phone.

Sure enough, there was a text from Dad that said just that. I handed the phone wordlessly back to Caleb. I'll be without Dad for a month! Mom can beat me whenever because Dad won't be there to even out the situation. I actually get less beatings because Dad talks to Mom about them. Now I'll be getting like a beating a day, possibly more.

Four heard all of it and he wraps his arms around me. I slowly relax in his arms. He kisses my forehead and we pull apart. Four doesn't say a word about what just went down and I'm grateful.

Our stop comes soon and we get off.

I get inside and even though I didn't do anything, Mom's mad.

So, I got a beating.


I cleaned up my cuts, 10 lashes on my back, and shins. 8 punches to my face and everywhere else.

I lay sore in bed after I made myself shower, I'm in my father's shirt for PJS and I do my devotion and go to bed.

Hey! Sorry it's short, I already made chapter 27 and it was going to be today's update but I got 3 votes do it turned into a extra update! So I had to hurry with this on, but that's okay because it's done! 3 votes for an extra update! Don't forget to comment Q and A questions! Bye!

-stay sparkly ✨

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