Chapter 78

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Tobias POV

My gaze falls at her arm, which has a concerning amount of blood dripping from it.

Tris tries to get out the door, but I seize her good arm, causing her to struggle against my grip. "No, you're staying in here," I say extremely harshly. I've never, ever, talked to her like that. She stops struggling at my tone, her body more tense, her eyes wider then usual.

Great job, you scared her.

"Tris, I'm sorry. But please just let me explain," I say gently. When she remains silent, I continue, "I promise, I didn't kiss her. She came through the door after I opened it because I didn't look through the peep hole. Then she jumped on me and kissed me. I had nothing to do with it. I promise you, I don't like her. I like you. Only you."

Tris doesn't meet my eyes, and I let go of her small arm. "Please look at me," I beg. She sniffles and I tilt her chin up, seeing her gorgeous eyes. "Promise?" She whispers, almost inaudible. I stare at like everything else in this room is dirt, and she is a diamond. "I promise," I say sternly.

She nods rather slowly, letting another tear fall down her amazing face. I wipe it away and pull her into my arms, laying her head against my chest. I rock her slowly back and forth, and she sobs in my chest, her body racking.

After a few minutes, I pull back and sadly look at her bloody arm. Her eyes follow my gaze and she painfully looks at her arm as well. "I'm sorry," her quiet voice cracks. "Shh, it's okay. I'd rather you didn't do that, but what's done is done, and I'll take care of it. Okay?" I say gently. She buries her head into my chest once more and I rub her shoulders.

After another few minutes, I begin to clean her arm and wrap it up.

Then, because I wanted to, I carry Tris downstairs to the couch, who nearly fell asleep while sitting on the counter so I could clean her arm.

Once I get downstairs, I realize that I left Zeke and Uriah to fend off Lauren alone. Oops.

They are sitting in recliners, so I sit Tris and I down on the long couch. "Hey guys," I say. They give me a look, "Don't act like we're mad, all we did was shove her out the door and lock it. It wasn't too difficult," Zeke says.

I smile, "Thanks guys." They nod and look at Tris, who I am basically cradling. "Is she okay?" They ask. She lifts her head slightly and I nod. "She's fine."

Tris yawns, sounding like a kitten. "Here," I say gently, laying her back in a bed like style. I lay next to her and she puts her head on my chest whilst I wrapt arms around her waist.

Zeke and Uriah turn on Sponge Bob at a low volume.

Tris and I both fall asleep.

I'm not dead.
I made a new book called Y-You Love Me, so if you want to check that out that would be awesome!

Let me know some books y'all have that you want me to read and I'll check that out!

-stay sparkly✨✨✨
Updated March 23rd

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